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Being a pokemon trainer was one of your joys, but you loved one thing more: sports. Currently, it was volleyball season, and you were training with your pokemon. You had a tendency to fall in love with water type pokemon and fighting type pokemon. The reason you picked water type was because you had been fond of them before you had found your place in sports, and you kept them close to your heart. You liked fighting type a lot because they were determined, smart, and strong, and that's how your friends tended to describe you. 

"Osha-wa!" your adorable Oshawot exclaimed, diving for a tipped ball. He was your newest member, and you loved how determined he was and how he pushed himself. The ball bounced off his tiny arms and into the air, and you shifted your potion as you went to bump it up, keeping yourself low.  You lifted yourself up with your legs, keeping your arms together and up, and the ball bounced off of your arm and over to your Lucario. The pokemon leaped into the air, pulled its hand back, and spiked the ball over the net. Your Vaporion was quick to reposition itself, and it bounced the ball off of its head and into the air. Mienshao gracefully bumped it high into the air, and Panpour leaped into the air to spike it. It faked it, and tipped it lightly over the net. You gritted your teeth as you sprinted forward, diving to try to save it. You failed, and the ball hit the sand right before your hand could get below it. Your Marill cheered from the side, and it clapped its hands together in excitement. 

"Good work, guys! How about we take a break?" you asked your pokemon, standing up and brushing yourself off with a light smirk. They chirped in agreement and ran towards the blanket that you shared with your friends. 

"Hey, [Y/N]! Do you want any macaroons?" the dark haired male, Ash, called to you, his mouth slightly stuffed with food. You chuckled lightly at his immature behavior, retrieving your volleyball before walking towards them. 

"Sure! Hey, do you have any water left?" you replied, making your way towards your spot on the large towel and sitting down. The purple haired female, Iris, grabbed a cool water out of the cooler, handing it to you with a grin. "Thanks!"

"No problem!" she chimed, focusing her attention on her lunch. 

"So, [N/N], how was your practice going? From here, it seemed a little too intense to be 'just goofing off,'" Cilan, the green haired male, asked, copying your words. You flinched slightly and gave an awkward laugh, scratching the back of your head. He looked towards you, a mischievous glint shimmering in his green orbs. 

"Weeeeelllll, you see... I may have entered in a contest," you mumbled, avoiding eye contact and suddenly becoming very interested in your food. You bit a large piece off, mentally slapping yourself for acting so nervous around this man. You were always trying to impress him with your gift of being an athlete, and you thought entering this contest might give you a better chance. 

Cilan's green eyes lit up in interest along with Ash's and Iris's, and they all asked a question at once. You chuckled, swallowing your food. 

"Ash, your question first," you stated, grinning at the anxious boy. 

"Do you think you could teach me and Pikachu how to play?" he asked (more like begged). You nodded your head in response as he and Pikachu cheered, going back to their food. Your eyes focused on Iris, awaiting her question. 

"How long have you been training for this specific contest?" the purple haired female asked, and you hummed in thought as you counted the weeks you had spent practicing. 

"Hmmm... If I'm correct, it's been almost six weeks since I started training for it, and it's been one week since I officially signed up," you replied, adjusting how you sat. Your heart skipped a beat as you turned to Cilan, who had his attention on you this whole time. 

"Do you need any help training? We could help you after lunch, and you could even teach all of us a few tips," he offered, his pale lips curved in the warm smile he always gave. You smiled unconsciously, feeling tingly inside as he kept his focus on you. He was always kind to you, asking if you needed help with this, or required assistance with that. It warmed your heart just at the thought of his caring, green orbs. 

"Ya, that would be nice!" you chirped, giving a closed-eye smile. Ash cheered again, having chewed and swallowed all of his food. Pikachu leaped onto his bare shoulder, giving a quick cheer along with his companion. 

You smiled as Irish and him started arguing over something childish, and your gaze flicked to Cilan, who was staring at you in a daze. He caught himself, and acted as if he hadn't noticed. He gave you a closed-eye smile, light pink tinging his cheek and yours. You smiled back, looking into the sky. 

Maybe you didn't have to try to hard to get him to notice you. ~


I did this short one cause I love volleyball, and I felt like writing it. :p 

Thanks for reading! If your new to this story, I would appreciate some feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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