An Unforgettable Meeting

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The park was filled with young teens, all surrounding a battlefield for pokemon battles. They chatted excitedly, some bringing their own starter pokemon and playing with them. The crowd of kids died down as a thirteen-year-old walked onto one side of the field, a smirk stretched across her [S/T (skin tone)] face. Her [E/C} eyes shined with confidence as she held a pokeball in her hand. A young boy, who looked to be a year older than her, walked to the other side of the battleground. His crazy, black hair was underneath his black and white hat. His black sweatshirt and long khaki shorts were slightly too big for him, and his white shoes were covered in dirt. His green orbs showed no sign of nervousness, and he had a huge, cocky grin on his tan face. He smugly pulled out a pokeball from one of his side pockets, carelessly throwing it in the air. A healthy Timburr appeared, narrowing its eyes with a large smirk as it waited impatiently for the match to begin. The opposing female's smirk grew, and she looked more confident than before as she delicately threw her own pokeball. Her Sylveon gracefully landing on the ground without a noise. The pokemon had a small smile on its face, but its blue eyes shimmered with excitement and determination for the battle.

"Seriously? A Sylveon? How weak can you get?" the brunette snickered, and his Timburr followed suit. The fairy type pokemon frowned, glaring at the two in front of it. It growled, catching its opponents off guard as they took a step back. The brown haired teen frowned, jabbing a finger towards the [H/C] haired girl a few feet away from him. "You and you're pathetic Sylveon are going down! Just because you're from the Kalos region doesn't mean you're any better than me!"

"I never said that, but that doesn't mean you aren't a lousy trainer!" the female snapped back grinding her teeth. Her [E/C] orbs shone with the same fire as her beloved Sylveon, almost as if they were connected. "Don't listen to him! He's trying to put us down."

"Whoa..." a green haired teen murmured from the crowd. He sat with his two brothers, and he observed the girl and her companion with admiration. He recalled seeing her in the back of the classrooms, always alone. She seemed happy, but their always seemed to be some depression in her eyes. A memory flooded his mind...

~Earlier that week...

A [H/C] haired girl made her way to her locker, her eyes slightly filled with anger and sadness. Starting a new life here in Unova had been hard so far for her. She had no friends, and she didn't know any of her classmates' names. She felt eyes on her as two girls passed behind her. She strained her ears to hear what the two were saying.

"I heard she left Kalos because she was causing too much trouble at her old school..."

"Really?!? I heard she left only because she wanted..."

The female angrily closed her locker, tightly shutting her [E/C] orbs so they didn't tear up. She couldn't hear their whispers anymore, but she already knew who they were talking about. It was easy, because she was the only one in the school who had ever even stepped foot in the Kalos Region! They always formed rumors about her, attempting to make up believable reasons as to why she left her home region.

"Hey, Kalos Creep, move so I can get to my locker!" an all-too familiar voice to the poor [H/C] female demanded from behind her, causing her to whip around and give a sharp glare. The brunette boy rose a brow, not fazed by the reaction he had gotten out of her. "I have to get to class," he grumbled. She rolled her eyes as she walked away, her Algebra 1 books in hand.

"Hey, are you okay?" three voices piped up simaltaneously from her side, causing her head to snap in their direction. Her anger and sadness slightly melted when she saw the triplets from her class standing there, concern etched on their faces.

"Ya, I am, thanks for asking!" she replied, her [E/C] orbs dim with something sad. She gave a small smile before she walked past them, heading to her math class...


The depression that was in her eyes was completely gone now, and excitement shown in its place. Determination was clear in her facial expression. It caused the young green eyed boy to smile.

"Battle: Begin!" an elementary kid shouted, causing the pokemon to leap from their places and at each other.

"Sylveon: Dazzling Gleam!!!" the female commanded, causing the pokemon to do exactly what she said. The opponent's Timburr attempted to dodge, but the attack ended up hitting him.

"Timburr: Body Slam!!!" the brunette boy shouted, Timburr standing up from the small tumble it had taken. It dashed after the Sylveon, attacking it with Body Slam. The fairy pokemon attempted to get out of the way, but its opponent was too fast.

"You got this! Get up!" the female encouraged, fire in her eyes as she watched her partner stumble up. The Sylveon put on a smile, waiting patiently for her companion to make a decision. "Use Draining Kiss!" The pokemon obeyed, making a small 'kissy' face as the attack unfolded. The Timburr grew dizzy, and it was slowly being drained out of its energy. You could see small, sparkling objects in the air float over to the Sylveon. The pokemon glowed slightly, its energy and health returning.

"Timburr, quick! Use Close Combat!" the brunette yelled, his worn-out pokemon shaking its head lightly in attempt to wake up. It dashed towards its enemy, but Sylveon was quick on its feet. It quickly dodged, and without its trainer to tell it what to do, it used Play Rough. Timburr fainted, causing a few shocked gasps and cheers to come from the kids. The [H/C] female's eyes gleamed in pride, and she rushed over to give her pokemon a hug. She called it back into her pokeball and held onto it, smiling brightly.

"Hey, what was her name again? [Y/N]?"

"That was awesome! Her and her pokemon seem to be connected somehow!"

People rushed out onto the field, surround the two trainers. [Y/N] put her hand out, a friendly smile gracing her lips.

"Friends?" she asked her opponent. He looked up at her, shocked slightly. He smiled lightly, gently shaking her hand.

"Friends. The name is Brent, by the way. Sorry for being so mean to you earlier," Brent said sheepishly.

"It's fine!" [Y/N] giggled lightly. She scanned the crowd that had surrounded her, looking for a few pairs of eyes. Her [E/C] orbs connected with the green-haired male's who had talked to her a few days ago, along with his siblings'. Her grin widened as she made her way over to them. "Hey! It's nice to see you guys again!"

"Y-ya," the green eyed male stuttered, his cheeks tainted a slight pink. He quickly snapped out of it, his face stretching in a wide grin. "My name is Cilan!"

"I'm Chili!" the red head of the three exclaimed.

"And I am Cress!" the blue eyed teen said.

"It's nice to officially meet you!" they said in unison, causing the [E/C] eyed girl to giggle.

"I'm [Y/N]! Thanks for talking to me the other day! You cheered me up a little! I hope we can become good friends!" she said with a closed eye smile. Something about her caused Cilan's heart to flip, but he ignored the feeling, brushing it off as nerves. "See ya later!"

"See ya!" they said. She locked eyes with Cilan's for a moment, giving him a quick wink before walking away. She walked off to talk to Brent and a few other people, laughing as she finally made some friends. Cilan continued to stare at her, his cheeks tainted a bright red.

Little did he know what was to come years later....

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