Important note

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Hello all I'm so glad you've all enjoyed the story. However. I wrote this at a young age and my skills were barely up to par. So I have decided that I will be rewriting the story. New concepts will be added. The plot will be slightly altered with a possible new twist ending. For any of my fans. If you wish to voice some of your ideas I would gladly hear them. This does NOT. mean all will be included. But for the ones I do choose to take on into the new world of Save Me. Dedication and credit will go to each of those I choose at the beginning of the chapter. I hope everyone enjoys this new story as I rewrite. I will be giving a sneak peak at the new introduction as early as Wednesday. At the latest Friday.

Ps I am having a very major surgery so it may take some time. However there will be a lot of writing time while I'm in a 6 month recovery. So please. Give me your thoughts and ideas. In general let me know how you feel about this rewrite that will be happening. I promise the detail and overall plot will be a whole lot better than before.

With love and gratitude to all my writing admires.

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