Chapter 4

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A week of school went by and everything was going great. Derek's temper has calmed down and he's back to normal. The ring has really kept my powers under control. I can only do things when I try to. Derek has taken that opportunity to teach me. I was able to hold water in midair and play with it and throw it hard, using it as a weapon. I was also able to freeze the water. I made an ice ball once. Derek didn't take to it very kindly when I threw it at him. It's a good thing he's bullet proof because that would have hurt if he wasn't a wolf man. He also didn't like that nickname. But I enjoyed it very much.

I seemed to have Lot of homework in a week. It didn't bother me much although I'd prefer to test out my skills. I sighed and flopped down on the couch where Derek was laying. He groaned loudly.

"That was unexpected." Derek said pushing me off. "You tried to kill me."

I slapped his arm, "You little over exaggerator."

He laughed and grinned a sheepish boy grin. He looked care free in this moment. He was beautiful. I shook my head. I really needed to stop thinking about him like that. He doesn't like me. And I don't think I should like him. Didn't all wolfs have mates? He couldn't love me. Ever. Because he has a mate out there some where. I frowned. He was a nice guy. His mate will be a lucky girl.

"Derek can I ask you something?" I asked warily.

"Yea Ell. What's up?"

"Do all wolfs have mates? Like wolf mates."

"Yes. Usually wolf mates. I've never met anyone or heard of anyone who has a mate who's not a wolf." He said. He seemed saddened by this. Something was bothering him. I decided to drop the subject.

"Hey do you wanna go hike in the woods?" I asked.

His eyes lit up like the forth of July. That was his natures home. He could run freely in his wolf form without worry. "Yes. I'd love to. Let's go."

He took off running to the woods and I followed. We were both super fast and it was so much fun. Once i was concealed by the tall trees inside the woods, I took off my necklace and put it in my pocket. My wings flipped out elegantly and I jumped up, soaring into the sky. I flew threw the trees and around Derek a few times. He jumped in the air and hit me, knocking me on my butt. He turned into his human form and I screamed. It wasn't Derek. It was someone else.

"Derek! Derek help!" I screamed, trying to push the man off of me. His face was hidden in a dark hood. I couldn't see who it was. I was scared.

"Shut up little bitch. You are coming with me." The voice whispered.

Suddenly the man on me flew off and hit a tree. I flew up and looked. Derek was in wolf form, attacking my attacker. Derek slammed him into the tree and bit his shoulder. The man turned back into a wolf and fought. He was straight grey with black paws, and he was strong. He flung Derek through a tree and I heard him whimper.

"Derek!" I screamed. I took off the ring. I needed full power. There was a stream behind them. I concentrated. I lifted the water, and froze it. It took a lot of energy. I slid my hands towards the grey wold and the ice pierced his skin. Blood ran down his back and he dropped to the ground. He turned back into human form, and he was dead. I killed him.

I ran over to Derek as he slumped to the ground. "Derek! Oh my god are you ok? Derek please be ok please!" I cried. He was unresponsive. I shook him and shook him. Dammit! I looked around and pulled Derek to his feet and wrapped my arms around him. I took a deep breath and flew up. It was harder than the first time I flew. It took longer to get back to the house then what I really wanted to, but we made it. He looked bad. He was bleeding from his ribs and a small cut was bleeding on his head. I laid him down on the couch and sighed. Poor Derek. I looked around the house for a first aid kit and finally found one in the basement. I brought it upstairs and got a warm wash cloth and a dry one. I wiped the blood off of his head and ribs. Derek gasped in pain and a tear rolled down his face from his closed eyes. I stitched up the cut on his ribs with a needle and stitching string he hand in the kit. Thank god for that. They weren't professional but I thought I did pretty damn good for my first time. I put some antibiotic ointment on the stitches and on the cut on his head. I took four large gauze pads and put them over the rib cut. I used medical tape and tapped it down. He flinched and I froze. I felt bad for causing him more pain but I had too. I put butterfly stitches on his head and felt a lot better knowing he was cared for. I kissed his forehead gently and put everything away. When I returned Derek's eyes were open.

"What happened to me?" Derek asked.

"The guy who attacked me hurt you. I killed him with my powers. I turned water into ice and stabbed it into him. Then I flew you back here." I said looking at the floor.

"Wow. That's amazing. But are you ok Elsa? Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head, "No, not that I know of." I replied. My ribs hurt a little from where the attacker landed on me. But I didn't need Derek worrying.

"Good. Thank you Ell. You did a nice job."

I sat down next to him and peeked up. "I was so afraid I'd lost you Derek. You looked..." I couldn't finish that sentence.

"Oh Ell." He said putting his arms around me. "I wouldn't leave you like that. I'd fight for my life to be here for you." He said, caressing my hair. I had become so close to Derek in the last month. He was my best friend. The first friend I ever really had too. He had done so much for me and I didn't do anything to deserve it. Hell, I called him crazy. I felt so lucky that he was my friend.

I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. There was still one question that remained. "Derek why are people trying to kill me?"

He sat silent for a few moments before speaking. "I really don't know Elsa. I really don't know."

We sat there in silence for a wile. Me in Derek's arms. I could hear his heartbeat thudding rapidly beneath his skin. It was like a humming birds heart. It was very peaceful, and at some point I think I fell asleep, because the next time I opened my eyes, Derek's head was in my lap and I was leaning back against the couch. The moon shone into the living rooms window.

I watched Derek sleep. His breathing was very slow and steady. He looked so peaceful and innocent. Like a small child, I couldn't wake him. I smiled down at him and stroked his brown hair. It was messy and boyish. He was so beautiful, sexy even. And he had such a kind heart. I felt a wave of sadness as I realized that one day he'd have a mate and it wouldn't be me. I couldn't denies that I liked Derek. But the simple fact remained, he was a wolf and I was an angel. He couldn't love me. I wasn't a wolf. He had a mate out there somewhere. I couldn't help but wish that somehow it would be me. It was weird how I actually wished that it was me.

Derek stirred on my lap and mumbled something, and then he said my name. My heart thudded loudly. I wondered what he was dreaming of.

"Stay, forever." He mumbled. I didn't know if he was speaking to me in his dream or someone else. I would like to have thought it was me, but I highly doubted that. He did t like me like that.

He sat up straight fairly quickly. He had a dorky grin on his face, "Hi." He said, his voice horse.

"Hey. Sleep well?" I asked softly.

He nodded, "Yea. Better then usuall. I don't know why."

I laughed, "Maybe it was because you were on my lap."

He grinned, "I like sleeping with you."

"Oh Derek what am I ever going to do with you?" I laughed and he smiled a lovely smile.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"I'm sure I will. I'm sure I will."

"You hungry Ell?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because pizza is so calling my name."

I smiled brightly. "Pizza please. I love pizza."

"Pizza it is then." He got up and ordered some pizza and I smiled, I really had a great friend and a great new start to life. And for the moment, everything was perfect.

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