Chapter 7

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"Look Elsa. I'm sorry I hurt your feeling but -

"Your father fucking killed my parents and you just decided that you'd neglect to tell me that!" I screamed cutting him off.

"Elsa what are you talking about?"

"I some how traveled to some weird dimension, and found my dead mother. She said your father killed her and my father!"

"Elsa. Slow down."

"Don't tell me what to do! Did you know? Did you help him!" I yelled, tears rolling down my face.

He looked at his feet, "Yes."

"What?" I looked at him in discuss. New tears swelled in my eyes.

"Yes. I helped kill them. But you have to understand it wasn't my fault-

I cut him off again. "You are a monster. A fucking monster!" I screamed, and I ran.

I didn't know where I was running to. I just ran. I needed to get Way from that sick jerk. He ruined my life! I'd still have my parents and a home and someone to love me if they were alive! And he helped kill them! Tears ran down my face, burning, and fueling my fire. I wanted to hurt him, but then again I didn't.

I was in love with my family's murderer. Only me. I felt like the biggest betrayer in the world. Why didn't my mom tell me that Derek helped kill her? Why would she keep something like this from me? I was I love with him for gods sake! I wanted to hurt myself for being such a sick freak. He helped kill the people I loved. All this time I've been living with him, he's known that he was the reason for their death. Motherfucker. I hated him. I hated him but loved him. And how could I feel these things after knowing what he did? Was love really that much more powerful than hate? I dropped to my knees and screamed out. I was hurt because I found out the man I loved was my family's murderer. I was hurt because I still loved him. I was hurt because I'd never see my parents again. I was hurt because I wasn't normal.

I couldn't believe this is what my life had came to. I couldn't believe I was sentenced to this hell. I hated everything. I wanted to die. I didn't wanna be here on this earth. Why. Why me?

I laid there on the forest floor, letting the rain that started to pour, fall all over me. I closed my eyes and cried. I fell back into the deep place.

Mom! Mom where are you!"

"Honey. Open your eyes." I did what she said.

"I saw what happened honey. You need to calm down honey. I told you that Richard was my murderer. Not Derek."

"Mom he admitted to helping kill you!"

"Honey, maybe you should see the big picture."

The world swirled into a circle. My parents came into picture. It was like a movie.

"Elsa. Run. Don't look back." My father was saying to me. "I love you. You'll be an amazing person one day."

I took off. The screen went back to my parents. A man burst through the door. He was tall and in dark clothes.

"Alice and Daniel Moon. Long time no see." He said evilly.

"Richard. Please. We have done you no wrong. Leave us. Please." Mother begged.

"Oh Alice. How I wish I could. But you see, you left the pack. You know to much. You could betray us. You knew this would happen."

"We have no ill wish to the pack. We just wanted a different lifestyle." Father said.

"Daniel you know just as fucking well as I do that you just say that and expect us to not kill you where you stand. You knew what you signed up for."

"We had a child! I didn't want this life for her. She's... Special." Mother said, crying.

"I'm sorry. But this life is what you got into. This is what you wanted. You wanted to be wolfs. I gave you that. And I know what the kid is. Derek is going to kill her. She's too dangerous. We don't know if what powers she will have, what she will be able to do. She has to be stopped. Elemental Angels were wiped out for a reason. They were evil. One hasn't existed for five hundred years. She could be just as aweful as they all were. And she's a child! She can't control what all she has in her."

Mother was crying. "I'm sorry Alice. Daniel. But this is where your life's end."

Tv he screen turned again. It went to me, running away. I was three, but smart. I tried to get away. Something grabbed my ankle and I tripped. I cried out, tears rolling down my face. A man with bright blue metallic eyes and sharp teeth hovered over me. He growled. And the moonlight touched his face. Derek. His turned up face settled. He cocked his head and looked down at the child me.

"So, beautiful. Innocent. I can't do this. I can't do this. Go little girl. Run. As far and fast as you can. Never come back. Your parents are gone. Forever. I'm sorry." Derek got off of me and ran back. He saved my life. He didn't kill me.

The screen turned again. Taking the picture back to the house. Derek burst through the door. My father was already dead. His heart in Richards hand.

"What did you do!" Derek screamed. Mother was cowering in a corner.

"I told you they had to die. They left the pack. They knew the consequences." Richard yelled.

"This is not the way we work."

"It is the way we work Derek. Now kill her."

"No dad. No. I can't." He begged.

"God dammit you little ass. Kill the fucking bitch."

"Dad no! Stop dad!" Richard put the gun in his hands and Derek struggled. "Dad stop!" Richard was stronger then Derek. He got the gun aimed at my mom and pushed down Derek's finger. The bullet hit my mom in the chest. She was dead seconds later.

Derek dropped to his knees. Tears slid down his face.

"Your finger pulled the trigger. You killed her Derek." Richard said. "Good job."

"" He stampeder. "You murderer!"

Derek got up, took the gun and shot his dad in the heart. Richard died soon after. Derek sat on the floor and sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He cried. "At least I saved the girl. At least I saved the angel."

The picture disappeared and the thick fog was back.

"You see honey. He didn't. His father made his finger pull the trigger. He's a good man. And you love him. You need to apologize. He'll understand."

Tears slid down my cheeks. He wanted to explain. And I didn't let him.

"Mom, I should have let him explain." I cried.

"Oh baby. You'll be fine. He will understand. He loves you"

I came back from that place and I was in a bed. Derek was on the end of it,


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