Chapter 12

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Elsa's POV

I was floating. In the clouds. It was peaceful here. The sun was shinning on me, yet I didn't feel warm. I didn't feel cold. I didn't feel anything. Not even pain. I smiled. I was in heaven. Flying with the other angels.

Derek's POV.

"How? How are you?" I stuttered.

"How am I alive? Good question. You missed the discussion earlier. Ask your woman over there. Oh wait. She's dead." He laughed.

"You just shut the fuck up! Shut up right now! You hear me?" I screamed. "Don't you dare talk about her! You don't have the right! I loved her!"

"Always letting the emotions get to you. That's where your weakness lies son. You never had a backbone." He said laughing. "You see, I had a backbone. You killed me and I'm still alive!"

"How?" I growled.

"Oh for gods sake. You killed me, a witch came. Brought me back to life. Needed my help. Now here I am. Short and sweet and to the point. And now that you're here, I can finally have my revenge." He screamed and lunged at me. He almost hit me but I dogged it. He grabbed a knife off the ground, and ran after me.

Suddenly, Stephan, Justin, Ginger, Anna, and Riley burst through the door. My father halted. I grinned. "Kill this dick!" I yelled and the pack went after him. He ran out the back door and they followed. I rushed over to Elsa.

She was as cold as snow, her lips were blue, and she still wasn't breathing. I took the dagger out of her back and held her close. I cried for what seemed like hours. It was all my fault. I should have been there to protect her. My mate was dead. I couldn't bear it.

"My sweet angel. Please. Come back to me. Please. Elsa I love you. I'm sorry I didn't realize this earlier. If I had, you wouldn't be dead in my arms. Elsa." I whispered. "Please."

Elsa's POV

I heard my name being called. I looked down. The pink clouds turned clear and I saw myself in Derek's arm. I was dead. An angel came over, putting her hand on my shoulder. I turned to her.

"Elsa. He's calling you back to him." The angel said. I smiled at her.

"I know. But I can't go back. I'm dead."

"But you can. You are special Elsa. Plus it's not your time." She said, smiling at me, taking my hand.

"How do I go back?"

"Will it to be Elsa. You'll find your way."

I hugged her. "Thank you angel."

"My pleasure. Good luck Elsa. I'll see you again one day."

"I hope so." I smiled, and I started my journey back down.

Derek's POV

"Elsa I love you. I love you so much. I should have never tried to push you away. I just thought, I just. Oh Elsa." I sobbed holding her. Suddenly I felt something touch my face. I looked down, and her eyes were open. She was smiling at me.

"Elsa. Elsa! Oh my god. You're alive! Oh my sweet angel. Thank god." I cried. "I thought you were dead."

Vs she smiled up at me sweetly. "I was Derek. But I heard you call me. I found my way back to you."

I caressed her face. This sweet girl was here. Alive.

"But how?"

"I heard everything. You said you loved me. That I was your mate. I already knew that. Danny knew it. He told me, before you showed up and before he killed me." She whispered.

I looked into her beautiful eyes and and pulled her face to mine. And for the first time, I kissed her.

Elsa's POV

He looked into my eyes, and pulled my face to mine. For the first time ever, he kissed me. And it was better then I imagined. His lips felt like soft satin against mine. There was electricity surrounding us. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him tighter against me. He deepened the kiss and tangled his hands in my hair. I moaned quietly.

"I love you Elsa." He breathed.

"I love you too Derek. More than life."

He touched my face, gazing into my eyes. He pressed his lips against my forehead.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you again Elsa. I promise."

"Hey, oh my god she's ok!" Riley said.

"Oh Elsa we thought you were dead!" Ginger yelled.

I sat up slowly. My wound had disappeared. It was as if it never existed.

"She's amazing guys." Derek said.

"As much as I love the fact that Elsa's alive, we have a problem." Stephan said.

"What's going on Stephan?" I asked.
"Richard is still alive. He got away. You're still not safe Elsa." Stephan said, looking down. "I'm sorry. We tried."

Derek nodded. "We will worrie about that tomorrow. For know, I have my mate to attend to. I'll call you guys tomorrow. Thanks for today. I would have lost Elsa if it wasn't for you."

Anna walked up and hugged him then me. "We are a pack. And look Derek. You are still the alpha. You didn't lose your powers."

"I know why that is." I said. "My parents were both wolfs. Derek's father created them. So even though I'm not a wolf, I have wolf blood." I explained.

"That makes sense. See I told you she was special Derek." Ginger smiled.

Derek pulled me close. "Yea. She really is."

"Alright well let's get home." Justin said.

"Yea I need some grub y'all." Riley said running his stomach. We all laughed.

"Come on angel. Let's get you outa this hell hole." Derek said, swooping down and picking me up bridal style.

"I love you Derek."

"I love you too." He said, and with that we all went home. Tonight we would rest. But tomorrow, that would be a different story.

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