Chapter 9

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I walked around the room. It was large and open. Something touched my shoulder. I gasped, turning around. Derek.

"Derek? What's going on? Where are we?"

"It doesn't matter where we are. What matters is what we do with the time we have." Derek said. He stepped closer to me and I backed up till my back touched a cold wall. I didn't know if I should be scared or completely smitten.

"Derek what are you doing?" I asked.

He pressed his body against mine. "I love you Elsa. Love me." He whispered.

His lips were inches from mine and my heart rate sky rocketed. He put his hands on my hips, leaned down and -

Suddenly I woke up looking around. I was still on the couch. It was a dream. I got up, it was ten o'clock in the morning. I decided to go up and check on Derek. When I walked in I smiled.

He was sprawled out on the bed. He looked a lot better. He had color in his face and the gashes on his body were no longer there. He looked peaceful and boyish laying there. I wanted to reach out and stroke his face and chest, but I restrained myself. He wouldn't like that. Then Danny's words flashed into my mind.

"Elsa. Derek loves you."

I smiled. Derek loves me. And I love him. I frowned. It still didn't change the fact that I'm not a wolf and that he had a mate out there. I didn't want to just be with him till he found her like Danny said. I wanted to be his one and only. I guess I wanted to be his mate. I laughed at myself silently for even thinking that I would ever be with him. He may love me, but I wouldn't be his one and only. So there was no point. I started to walk out and shut the door when he called my name. I opened the door and answered him. He still looked like he was sleeping.

"Elsa. Don't leave. Elsa. I'm sorry. Elsa... I love you. Please no. Elsa stay. Please."

He was definitely still sleeping. It warmed my heart and saddened it. It was proven that he loved me. It was known that I was not a wolf. It was also known that he had a mate. The circle of our relationship just wouldn't make it around. It would always create a semi circle. I left the room and went down stairs into the kitchen. I went into the fridge and pulled out some eggs, peppers, cheese, and milk. I chopped up the peppers and shredded some of the cheese. I cracked the eggs into a pan and heated the stove. I made a omelet with it and sat down at the table, nibbling at it wile I watched the news on t.v. Nothing really interesting was said. I rolled my eyes. I felt completely uninterested in life. Maybe it was because I really did realize that no matter how I felt or Derek felt, that we could never be together. I really needed to just let this all go. It was ridiculous how much I let it get to me.

I walked outside into the garden. It was big with a fountain in the middle. I sat on the rim of it. I froze and unfroze the water a few times, and swirled it around in the air. It was fun and calming. I sat it down slowly into its bed. I reached down and picked up a flower petal that was withering on the ground. I closed my eyes, just thinking. And when I looked down again, the petal had become a full flower again. My mouth gaped. I did that. And it was cool. It was another one of my powers. I wanted to try something. I hovered my hand over a rose bush and concentrated. The vines in the bush slowly started to grow tall. They twisted around each other into a circle, making a band that would fit around my head. It even had a few blossomed roses embedded in it. I grabbed it from mid air and placed it on my head and smiled. Beautiful.

Suddenly I felt something hot wrapping around my waist. I pulled my shirt up, and green swirls like the blue on my arms, were coming down from the same spot, and wrapping to either side of the edges of my waist. They were just as elegant as the other marks. I had found a new power. And it too, was just as amazing as the first. I smiled and laid back onto the fountains wide rim. The sun hit my face, warming me. It was amazing the feeling it gave.

"Having fun there Angel?" A voice said.

I screamed in fight, falling into the fountain. I jumped up and wiped the water from my eyes. "God damn you Derek! You scared me half to death."

He giggled, it was a sweet sound. "Well I didn't mean to. I think you're a little wet."

"Ya think? Now could you help a girl out by bringing her a towel?" I said, shooing him off. He laughed again and nodded, taking off into the house for my towel. Grr. He was gunna get it once I had my towel.

Once he returned I took the towel and smiled. With a flick of my wrist the fountain water soared at him. He was immediately drenched. He fell backwards. "Paybacks a bitch Derek."

"Why you little..." He said and he charged at me. He picked me up throwing me over his shoulder and I screamed.

"Put me down you wet dog! Put me down!" I couldn't stop laughing as I hit his back. He spun me around and around and I screamed. I threw my hands out and two vines caught his hands, and I dropped to the floor. I waved my hands and two more got his feet. He was trapped. "Looks like you're all tied up."

He smirked. "Developed a new power I see. When did this happen?"

"Just before you scared me half to death." I said giggling. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"To you maybe. I'm getting the disadvantages of it right now. Can you let me go now?"

I tapped my fiber on my mouth. "Hmm, nope!"

"Elsa, please?" He gave me those eyes. Ugh! "Derek Salvatore you are a cheater. That's not fair."

"Please angel?"

I groaned. "Fine." I waved my hand and the vines tucked back into the ground.

He pulled me into a hug. "See, that wasn't that bad was it?"

I couldn't answer. His arms were around me. He was so close. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, and his breath on my neck. My heart rate rose, and I could feel the blood in my veins, beat against the walls. My ears were ringing. All I knew was I wanted to kiss him. I wanted his lips on mine. As if reading my mind and hearing my intentions, Derek pulled away.

"It wouldn't be fair to you Elsa. I don't want to hurt you." Derek said frowning. I dropped my head, looking down.

"I know. I know." Derek's hand pulled my chin up.

"I do have feeling for you Elsa. I just know I can't go after you. If I do, when I find my mate, I will hurt you. I can't bear to hurt you. I love you. But it dosnt change the fact -

"That you have a mate out there somewhere." I said cutting him off.

He nodded, "Exactly. I wish I could change it. I would if I could. To be with you, but I can't. I'm sorry Elsa."

"Don't. I'm gunna go get a shower. Just forget this conversation ever happened." I said and walked off into the house. He didn't try to follow me. Good.

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