Chapter 14

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I was hot. Too hot. I looked down and Derek was wrapped around me like a vine, his head on my chest, and his arms and legs wrapped around me. I smiled. Even though I died yesterday, I still felt amazing. Maybe it was because I was alive, or maybe it was because I really am Derek's mate. Either way, I was happy. I touched Derek's hair. It was boyish and messy. He looked so young asleep. I could watch him for hours. He was beyond handsome. He was everything a girl could want. It really boosted my ego that I was the one who got him. I had seen the stares from people at school. The girls wanted him, badly; and I seen the way the guys looked at me, hungry and lustful. Sometimes it really made me uncomfortable, but I usually ignored them all, and now that I had Derek, I had nothing to worry about. Except one thing. Time. Time was no my enemy. He would always stay young and beautiful. This is the age he was bit. But me? I'd always age. Wouldn't I? I'd have to talk to Derek later. Right now I just wanted to admire his beauty. I loved him more than I ever thought I could love someone. I knew it was fast. We had only known each other four months, but I guess the mate this just enhances all of those feelings. I blushed, thinking of what I told him last night. That I wanted him, all of him. Maybe it had been the heat of the moment. It was kinda embarrassing now. I gently stroked his back and shoulders and arms. I was really glad I had gotten on Derek about his drink. If he wasn't drinking it, and he got hurt, Derek could have died yesterday. The thought made me shudder. My mind really was jumbled right now. Too many things were running through my mind. I guess it was from being dead for god knows how long. I just thanked the angel for helping get back down into my body. If it wasn't for her I would still be dead.

Derek stirred and lifted his head smiling at me, "Good morning beautiful"

"Good morning sexy." I smiled.

His answering smile was dazzling. "How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Amazing wrapped around you."

"I'm glad." I giggled. "You hungry? I can make you something."

"Hmm. Omelet. Bacon. Toast. Yummy." He said, his voice horse.

"Coming right up wolf man."

He jumped on top of me and pinned me down. "Wolf man?"

"Yep. Wolf man. Or wolf woman. However you prefer." I said, trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably.

"I don't like that name angel. I suggest you come up with something different." He said growling, flashing his sharp teeth, and showing his blazing red eyes. I knew he was trying to be scary but his eyes showed the truth. They held nothing but love. I smiled, touching his face. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. When he opened them again they were normal.

"You really need to stop doing that. You take me off my game." He pouted.

"Don't pout. You're to pretty to make that ugly of a face."

"Are you implying that I'm ugly?" He asked looking appalled.

"No. You are sexy. Your pouting face is ugly though."

He bent down, kissing my neck. "Hmm, I could bite you ya know. I am able to drink blood." He whispered.

"Oh yea? Then do it." I bluffed.

"You asked for it." He said and he actually did it. He bit me. But what happened was more surprising then anything. It didn't hurt. It felt like a small pinch but that was it. It let something loose inside of me, and I think Derek felt the same thing. My mind went blank. All that was left was me and Derek.

This is amazing. Someone thought.


Yea. Me. Wow. Can, can we hear each other's thoughts? He asked.

I think we can Derek.

Then look. He said, and suddenly I saw what he felt when he first saw me under the water. I looked lifeless yet beautiful. I saw what he saw and left when I woke up. Joy, relieve, fear, interest. Then when I fell on him. Lust, amazement, Then when I was in his arms, dead. Pain, fear, love, guilt, regret, anger, rage, lifeless, fright, more love. Unbelievable love. Realization.

Oh Derek. I love you. More than life. I love you.

He pulled away. "I've always loved you. Forever I will my mate. You are my life now. And I'll do anything to keep you safe."

"Me too Derek. Me too." And his lips crashed down on mine. I gripped his hair and pulled him closer. The feeling was amazing. I moaned against his lips. He pulled me on top of him and wrapped his arms around me. I deepened the kiss, making his hands claw at my back. He ripped my shirt off of me and I stared down at him in amazement.

"I can stop. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do." He warned.

"I want to. I love you. I want all of you." My words were answered by him flipping me onto the bed. He hovered over me, kissimg my neck softly. I pulled at his shirt, showing him what I wanted. He sat up, shrugging out of it, and came back down with a kiss. He started removing my clothes bit by bit. I blushed dark red every time his eyes trailed up and down my marked body.

"You are so beautiful Elsa. Flawless." He whispered. I pulled off the rest of his clothes and I watched him in all his glory. It made me blush seeing him naked. He was beautiful though. It every aspect.

He leaned over me, I felt him touching my sex. He kissed along my collar bone and down to my breasts. My back arched at his touch. I felt his smile against my skin. He kissed and sucked, teasing me.

I moaned and he growled low in his throat. I dug my fingers into his back and me groaned.

"Are you ready?" He asked softly, I nodded and he slowly entered me. At first it hurt. Tears sprung to my eyes. I whimpered softly. "Are you ok? Do you want me to stop?"

I shook my head, "No, just go. Slowly."

He started to move in and out very slow. It started to feel better and better as the time went on. Suddenly I was begging him to go faster. He went on adm on, moaning my name over and over, making something within me build. It was there, pressing me deeper and deeper into pleasure.

"Derek!" I cried out, clawing at his back. He growled deeply.

"Oh Elsa."

Hearing those words were enough to push me over the edge. I cried out his name over and over, moaning the whole time. I convulsed. My back arched and he stilled, calling out my name. He collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily.

"That was amazing." I whispered breathless

"I couldn't agree more." He said, laying down next to me, pulling my body against his chest. I listened to his heart beat and eventually I fell asleep. In my mates arms after making love. It was the best night of my life.

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