Chapter 8

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"Derek! Oh my god what happened to you?" I screamed, shaking him awake. He whimpered in pain.

"I had to find you. I ran until I found you. I fell down a large hill though. I think I cut myself." He said, breathless.

"You think? Derek you're bleeding." I said horrified.

He looked down at his body and closed his eyes tightly, wincing. "I don't think it's that bad."

"Derek, I think you should go to a hospital." I said. Derek was really pale. His leg had a deep gash on the caff and his ribs had small gashes. He was covered in dirt and leafs were in his hair. He looked awful. He looked, lifeless. He lost a lot of blood from what I could see. He looked like he was dying.

"No. I can't. My blood isn't normal Elsa. I could be found out. Ow!" He gasped in pain. I couldn't bear this. Tears overflowed.

"I'm calling Danny and the others. You need help." I said. He looked at me for a moment and then he nodded. He was in a lot of pain.

"Hello?" Danny asked, he picked up on the third ring.

"Danny it's Derek. He's been hurt. He fell down a cliff trying to find me in the dark. It's a long story. But he doesn't look good. Danny I think he's dying. He's lost to much blood." My voice broke on the word dying.

"Ok Elsa I'm on my way. I'll be there shortly. Don't worry. Stay by Derek. Put pressure on the wounds." He said, he sounded worried, and it made me feel even more worried.

"Ok. Please hurry."

He hung up. I ran back upstairs and sat on the bed with Derek. He was breathing heavily, nodding in and out of consciousness. This was all my fault. If I couldn't have ran off Derek would be fine. If he dies, it'll be because of me. I grabbed a blanket and put it over the gash on his caff. I pushed hard and Derek screamed out in pain. It broke my heart but I had to try to keep the blood in. He couldn't afford to lose much more. My heart ached for him.

"Elsa!" I head Danny yell.

"Danny we're up here! In Derek's room!"

He was up in seconds. "God damn Derek. You really fucked yourself up."

"He's really hurt. Can you fix him?" I begged.

"Yea I can fix him. If he'd remember to drink his god damn drink he'd be fine. It's a special mixture that we have to drink so we can heal. It speeds it up to a point where it only takes seconds to heal." Danny said, taking a bottle out of his bag. He walked over to Derek and lifted his head so the dark purple liquid would drain down his throat.

"So that's it? He'll be fine?" I asked.

Danny nodded, "Yea. He should be fine in an hour. Till then Derek needs to rest." Danny said taking my hand and pulling me from the room. He closed the door behind him.

"Danny it was all my fault." I whispered.

"Elsa. It was not your fault."

"Yes. It was. If I would have let Derek explain -

"Elsa, I know what happened. Derek called me. I know the whole truth and for some reason I think you do too now. Derek was forced to kill your mother. But he saved you. At the time you didn't know that. I would have ran too. I told him to go after you. To find you. Dumb ass just doesn't know how to watch where he's going when he's upset." Danny said.

I looked down. Danny put a hand on my shoulder. "Elsa. Derek loves you. He'd never hurt you. And he would definitely never blame you for tonight. He understands."

My heart stopped. "He loves me?"

Danny nodded. "Of corse he dose. It's just unfortunate. Derek's a wolf. And you're not. It can't work. But that doesn't mean you can't have a relationship till his mate comes around."

"Do you have any idea how odd that sounds? Then I'd get hurt. And it would be awkward. Thanks for fixing him. I'll get on him about his drink. It's late you should get home." I said. I was exhausted.

"Ok. Be strong Elsa. Give him a chance. I'll see you later." Danny said, and he left. I locked the door behind him and plopped down on the couch. I had went from a high level of fury, to a high level of depression and fright. I was mentally tired. I sat their for a wile before falling into a deep deep sleep, full of dreams about Derek.

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