Chapter 6

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I woke the next morning and got dressed for school. I wore pale blue skinny jeans with a white and pale pink blouse and a light brown leather jacket. I slid on my light blue converse and grabbed my black bag. I had on lip gloss and black eyeliner. I felt a little off today. I didn't know how I was feeling and I was really distracted. My mind wasn't with me today. I think I was thinking to much into Derek. We were very good friends. He helped me in my time of need. He's nothing more than a friend. It was universally impossible to be together. We were different. Too different. He was a wolf. I was an angel. We were completely incompatible.

Derek came bounding down the stairs and smile at me like a child. I laughed. He was so immature and boyish at times. Then I wondered what I had before. "Derek how old are you?" I asked.

"How I look or my actual age?"

"Ur, both."I said. Did I really wanna know this.

"I look to be about nineteen or twenty. I really can't remember anymore. But I have lived for over seventy years." Derek said. He was still in a good mood. I liked that he shared information with me so freely.

"Wow. You're an old man!" I laughed. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Old? Maybe. But I have the body of a hottie." He winked.

I blushed. He really did. I liked his body and him more than I should. I frowned.

"What's wrong Elsa?" He asked.

"Derek, I just can't tell you. It doesn't matter anyway." I said, walking away. Derek grabbed my arm.

"Ell. I know. But there's nothing we can do. We can't be together. You're not a wolf. I wish I could change it. But I can't." He said sadly. With that I knew he felt for me too. But we couldn't do anything about it. That realization made my heart hurt.

"I. I'm not feeling well. I think I'll stay home today." I said and I ran upstairs, holding the tears back that I so desperately wanted to release.

"Elsa!" Derek yelled up the stairs. I didn't answer.

Derek POV

She didn't answer me. Dammit. What the fuck was wrong with me? I shoulda just kept my mouth shut. I was so stupid. I hurt her. I could tell. How else could I tell her? It's not like I didn't feel for her. Because I really did. I liked her more than I should. I felt this odd pull to her. Like she's the gravity in my orbit. But it just couldn't be. It couldn't work. She wasn't a wolf. She was an angel. I punched the wall. I hate it. Why did I have to be a wolf. I had a mate. And it wasn't Elsa.

I walked to school. I knew Elsa wasn't really sick like she was saying. I knew she was upset. And it was my fault. When I got to school, Stephan, Danny, and Justin came over to my side.

"Dude what's the problem. You look down." Stephan said.

"I hurt Elsa's feelings." I said. I really hated myself for it.

"What happened?" Justin said. He doesn't talk much.

"I told her that we can't be together because I'm a wolf and she's not. I have a mate out there. I can't betray that. I would lose my wolf powers. My pack needs me more than she dose."

"Im Sorry. Do you feel for her too?" Danny said.

I sighed and looked down. "Yes. I do. I think I love her."

They looked at me wide eyed. "You can't love her dude. She's not a wolf."

"Don't you think I know this! I just fucking said this. God damn!" I yelled. I felt my teeth poking my lips and I recomposed myself. "I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed about this. I didn't mean to hurt her."

"Derek. You can help it. It's not your fault." Danny said.

"How can I fall for her if she's not my mate."

"I don't know. She's so different. It's easy to love her." Stephan said.

"But I think I'm falling in love with her guys. How can I face her like this?" I said. I was getting mad. This couldn't be happening to me.

"Just try to get through the day Derek. That's all you can do." Justin said smiling.

My pack was reassuring. They had my back. But did Elsa?

Elsa's POV

I laid in bed and cried. I was stupid to have ever thought Derek could love me. It was fast yes, but my feeling were undeniable. He seen through me so easily and showed he clearly had no intentions of being with me ever. My heart broke into a million pieces. It was shattered. I couldn't help but just cry. And sleep. I'm pretty sure I slept half the day away. But honestly I didn't give a flying fa doodles. I was hurt and mad and frustrated. Ugh. I'm pretty sure I could kill so done right now. I needed my parents. I closed my eyes again and drifted off.

It's cold in this place. There's a light blue haze over everything. It was bright and eerie. I shivered. Where am I? I looked around. I couldn't see anything. It was like fog. I stumbled over my feet walking around. I hoped I didn't fall off a cliff or something. Where am I?

I kept walking until I bumped into someone. It was an old man. He looked like he was in a trance. He got up and rung his bell just as he was before. He was like a zombie.

"Elsa. Turn around. Open your eyes." A voice echoed.

"Who's there? Where am I?" I asked. My voice echoed too. Sounding like something you'd hear in a scary movie.

"Open your eyes Elsa." The voice said again.

I closed them and opened them again. I saw a figure. A small petite woman stood in front of me with long brown hair and blue eyes. She looked like I did before I turned angel.

"Mom?" I whispered.

She nodded. I threw my arms around her and cried.

"Mommy! Oh my god! I've missed you so much! I can't believe I'm seeing you!" I wailed. I was in hysterics. My mom. Here. Now. With me. It was like a dream.

"Oh baby you're beautiful. I knew you'd always be something special when you grew up." She said looking at me, our voices still echoing.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"I still don't know and I've been here for fifteen years. I never found your father. I'm not sure he's even here." She said looking off into the foggy distance.

"Mom?" She gazed back at me and smiled. "Am I dead?"

She laughed, and despite the eeriness, it was musical. "Heavens no child. You're just, somewhere in between."

"Between where?"

"Life an death."

"I'm dieing !" I exclaimed.

"No. You are simply able to travel here. You're very much alive. Simply inhuman. You have the power to come here. I'm glad you found me. I missed you little bean." She said touching my face.

I breathed in her sent. She smelled like roses. Tears streamed down my face.

"Don't cry my baby. Don't cry. I'm here now."

"How did you and dad die. I really can't remember." I asked.

"A close friend. He betrayed us. I don't know what set him off. I don't know why he killed us. But he did." She said frowning.

"Who mom. Who was it."

"Richard Salvatore. "

It hit me like a bolt of lightning. I wanted to scream and kill someone.

"Derek's father."

She nodded and I woke from wherever I had been. Derek was sitting next to me staring wide eyed.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I screamed.

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