Chapter 1

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I heard voices above me, but they were too distorted for me to understand. I felt cold, and weak. I was in a lot of pain too. The darkness pulled me down again...

My eyes fluttered open, and I quickly shut them. The blinding light hurt my eyes. It took a few minutes to get used to it. When I was able to open my eyes all the way, I looked around me. The walls were a crisp clean white, and the floor was white tile. There were machines all around me, and I was in a odd bed. I figured out that I was in a hospital. I looked down at my hands. They were bruised, and covered in tubes, different IVs. My heart rate accelerated. What had happened to me?

I vaguely remember the hands around my throat, then sinking down in the water. How had I lived? I tried to think back on it, and I came up with nothing. How had I gotten out of the water?

I looked to my left and seen a man sleeping on a couch in the corner. My first reaction was to scream, and I did. Who the hell is this person. My loud scream made him flip off the couch, landing on the hard floor. He got up quickly and looked at me.

"What the hell!" He growled. His voice was deep and husky. He had dark drown hair that hung over his eyes making them invisible to me. He was tall and built. In all honesty he was gorgeous. But that still didn't make me stop screaming. He ran over and put a hand over my mouth.

"Calm down! I'm not here to hurt you. I saved you. Ok? I'm the one who got the guy off of you and pulled you out of the river," He said, growling.

I stopped screaming and looked up at him, breathing rapidly. I still couldn't see his eyes. I moved my head and his hand slipped off of my face.

"You, saved me?" I whispered. "Why?"

"Because I know what you are."

"What do you mean? I'm not anything! You're crazy!" I yelled. Was he crazy? I'm no one. I'm just a normal teenage girl.

"You are Elsa Alee Moon. Daughter of Alice Moon, and Daniel Moon. You are very unique Elsa."

"How did you know that? My parents are dead. They died when I was three." I whispered. Who was this guy!

"Elsa, I Am the son of their best friend. My name is Derek. I can help you."

"I don't get it. What can you help me with? How am I unique? And what do you mean, you know what I am?" I asked. I was highly confused. Where was a freaking doctor when you needed one! I needs a distraction. I slowly pressed the nurses button on the remote next to me. Within seconds a nurse was in.

She had blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was slim and had a very feminine look. She was very pretty. "Oh Ms. Moon you are awake." She turned and looked at Derek. "Mr. Salvatore, you need to step out for a few moments." He growled under his breathe and walked out, clenching his fist. He was aggravated. "Ok ma'am lay down flat and we will begin the check."

The checkup only lasted about fifteen minutes and I was told I seemed fine. I could be released later on today. I was happy for the small distraction, but it really didn't do me much good. Derek stormed back in after the nurse walked out.

"Done trying to get rid of me?" He asked. Man he was ticked. I felt kinda bad for getting him out. But I needed a few minutes to think.

"I'm sorry. I just, I just needed a few minutes. To think. I don't understand. What did you mean by you know what I am?" I asked.

"Are you trying to tell me that you don't know what you are?"

I shook my head. "I'm not sure what you think I am. But I've never been special, or different. I'm just a normal teenage girl!"

"Elsa, you know you are different. You can feel it deep down. You've always know you are different. You can feel it. That's why you never connected well with other people. The person who tried to kill you knew what you were. You are a threat. He's dead now but that doesn't mean you're safe."

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