tmi tag !!

13 0 1

1.) what are you wearing?

pocket t-shirt and black nike shorts

2.) ever been in love?

no not really

3.) ever had a terrible breakup?

nope thankfully

4.) how tall are you?

5'2" ish

5.) how much do you weigh?

idek 115 ish pounds ?

6.) any tattoos?


7.) any piercings?


8.) otp?

ummm none really :/ rachel and joey on friends kinda hahahah

9.) fav show?

probably friends atm

10.) fav bands?

pretend that says singers haha. selena gomez, shawn mendez, justin bieber, daya, drake, & rihanna.

11.) something you miss?

being a little kid.

12.) fav song?

treat you better by shawn mendez atm

13.) how old are you?

14 in 10 days :)

14.) zodiac sign?


15.) quality you look for in a partner?

humor, kindness, pretty eyes, nice teeth, loyalty, romantic, etc.

16.) fav quote?

umm i have a lot but i like "you can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf" bc it says you can't stop having problems but you can learn to deal with them.

17.) fav actor?

not sure.

18.) fav color?


19.) loud or soft music?


20.) where do you go when you're sad?

my bed.

21.) how long does it take you to shower?

anywhere from 7 minutes to 40 minutes.

22.) how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

about 30 minutes.

23.) ever been in a physical fight?

yea. with my siblings.

24.) turn on?

funny, sweet, pretty eyes, jawline, confidence, etc etc

25.) turn off?

when boys are rude when other people are around, cheaters, lying, bad teeth, short guys, etc.

27.) fears?

heights, my parents/family/friends dying or leaving me, getting cuts, being broke, not being good enough, high school.

28.) last thing that made you cry?

my sister lol

29.) last time you said you loved someone?

a few hours ago.

31.) last book you read?

everything leads to you

32.) book you're currently reading?

the first Harry Potter one and one for school.

33.) last show you watched?

full house

34.) last person you talked to?

my dog

35.) relationship to you and last person you texted?


36.) fav food?

subway or pizza

37.) place you wanna visit?


38.) last place you were?

living room

39.) crush?


40.) last time you kissed someone?

few hours ago. my baby brother

41.) last time you were insulted?

idk few hours ago

42.) fav flavor of sweet?

blue raspberry.

43.) instruments you play?


44.) fav piece of jewelry?

don't have a fav but some bracelet.

45.) last sport u played?

soft ball

46.) last song you sang?

treat you better

47.) fav pick up line?

umm don't have a fav but i like "im not a weather man but you can be expecting more than a few inches tonight;)"

48.) ever used it?

to my bff

49.) last time u hung out with someone?

other than my fam, a couple days ago

50.) someone who should do this?

anyone who wants to :)

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