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I woke up next marina snuggled up to my chest. She's so adorable even when she's not trying. Sadly, I had to leave marina. I remembered that I have classes today. I left asprin and water next to her bed, I figured it'll help her hangover. I also left her a note just in case she wondered where I was.

Marina POV
I totally regret drinking last night. I don't remember one thing. I woke up to a pounding headache and a bright sun blinding me with its rays through my window. When I rolled over I saw that Lizzy left me aspirin, water and a note on my nightstand.

It read:
"I had a nice time with you last night. I had to leave due to my classes. We should definitely hang out again! my number is (800)-268-7886 ~Lizzy x"

She was so nice. I don't think I've ever had a good friend like her. She's all I have and I can't lose her.

Lizzy's POV
It's 2:00 and my classes are finally over. I gathered my books and walked to my dorm. When I unlocked the door, I saw Laura in her phone on her bed. I didn't want to talk to her. Why would she do it? We were friends. I have never did anything to hurt her, so why would she hurt me. My thoughts
Were interrupted by her words.
"I'm sorry"
I didn't know what to say, so I stayed silent for a while.
"Why'd you do it?"
She hesitated. "I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to hurt you"
"I think you've already accomplished that. Really, any answer would be better than what you did."
She sighed and sat next to me on my bed.
"We were engaged at one point, Liz." I honestly didn't know how to react. Should I be heartbroken, mad or totally ok with this? "My parents didn't want us together. They said he was too old for me and he was a bad influence. One day he just stopped calling and coming around. Everyone told me he died in a accident. For so long I've lived a lie. I've cried for days wanting to kill myself thinking that it was the only way to see him. All this time my parents threatened him to never come near me." I saw the tears in her eyes waiting to fall down her cheek. I hugged her. "I never knew what your boyfriend looked like.  He told me that he was here for you but then I told him how much I missed him and that I've gone through so much. I got out of hand and kissed him." I cried a little too. "I'm so sorry, Liz." She cried onto my shoulder. We hugged for about 10 minutes. I had to forgive her. With all that time thinking he was dead everything was left unsaid. "It's okay, Laura. I understand."

Yay I finally updated this! Feel free to point out typos

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