Play Date (pt. 2)

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****HEYY Sorry it took me 5 years to be back on here but I read every single comments and all of you guys are so so sweet; I'm so glad you enjoyed it and I'm really sorry I always disappear. Well, here's part 2 to Play Date :)) Hope you enjoy it! All the love as always -n ****

The night sky seemed darker than usual; little glimmers of street lights shone upon the street as Lydia and Stiles continue to walk with their little conversations. There weren't many people on the street, in fact, there are more cold breezes than people altogether. 

"Yeah, that would be our wedding before I run away in the middle of the night with my prince" laughed Stiles.

"He better be way hotter than me if you're going to pick him over this" said Lydia, her lips forming a smirk as she sank her hands into the pocket of her skinny jeans. 

"Already feel a rush imagining his face" Stiles winked.

"Oh stop it you" Lydia giggled as she hit Stiles playfully.

"Do you think I'll ever get married?" Asked Lydia, looking to her side at the brown-eyed boy beside her.

"Why- well, of course" Stiles got out. "Lydia, look at you, if you somehow end up alone where am I gonna end up?"

"Let's get ice cream" Lydia nodded towards a cozy little cafe, '24 hours' lighting up almost as bright as the sun above an ice cream counter. "I don't know I'm just scared, you know?" Lydia rubbed her hands together for warmth.

Stiles took off his jacket and handed it to Lydia, naturally, without even thinking about it, before asking "Scared of what?". 

"Thank you, this is an exception because it definitely doesn't go with my outfit. I'll tell you after you buy me ice cream" said Lydia before jogging across the street to The Grounds, coffee and tea.

"What's wrong with my jacket?" Asked Stiles, following the strawberry blonde girl with the typical look of confusion he has. 


"A scoop of strawberry cheesecake, please, in a cup" Lydia ordered, her face lighting up like a child as she glances at the different flavors.

"Why are we getting ice cream, aren't you cold?" Asked Stiles. "I mean it is kinda chilly"

"Let's see...", She pretended to think long and hard, "-you promised ice cream, well I made you but doesn't matter, and I do crave it right now. Plus I drink hot chocolate in the summer, what do you expect?" Lydia laughed. 

"Fair point" Stiles smiled at the girl and the little street light sparkles in her eyes.

"And you?" Asked the girl with jet black hair behind the counter.

"Oh, um-" Stiles quickly ran back to reality "Um- brownie batter, cone, thanks" 

Lydia zoned out quite a bit too when she really thought about being with Stiles tonight and all the things he did for her because she simply complained over a little thing; no one else would have done the same that instantly and no one would have handed her a jacket that quickly if they don't notice the little things she do. This isn't the first and certainly isn't the last time Stiles Stilinski went out of his way to cheer Lydia up no matter what.

"Lyd?" Stiled nudged her lightly with his elbow. "Your ice cream, shorty" Stiles laughed before taking a bite out of his cone.

Lydia shook her head as she reached out for the black cup with a small logo on it and murmured "thank you" to the lady.

Thus began their little walk again, they didn't know where they were going  but neither of them cared as long as everything is the way it is. Just them walking, talking and laughing; filling them both with comfort in each other's company. 

"What were you scared off again? Now that you got your ice cream" Asked Stiles looking at the distance; stepping left and right.

"I don't know, the thought of marrying someone is scary" said Lydia as she chew on the little chunks of cheesecakes.

"Scary he's a serial killer or scary something else?" Asked Stiles still filled with confusion. 

"No, not like that" Lydia laughed as she jokingly glared at Stiles.

"It's like you spend your whole life dating people and sometimes people who dated for tens of years break up and like you would never know who you're meant with, plus divorces too, so there really isn't a safe zone" said Lydia, turning a little blue. "What if I make the wrong decision? What do I do? Or what if I'm never sure and turned away from the face of someone I'm supposed to have my happily ever after with?" Lydia looked at Stiles and all his little details before resuming to view the space in front of her. "Or I don't know, what if he's too far away and we never meet? Maybe I'll be eighty five and he'll walk by but I'll be too blind to see" Lydia added.

Stiles let out a little laugh at the thought of old, cranky Lydia Martin; but then he was amazed on how unsure Lydia was because all his life she's one of the most confident person, well, on the outside she is. Deep down Stiles knew that somewhere inside her was a girl he always caught glimpses of, that was so vulnerable and small... 

"Then make sure the one you pick is the one?" Stiles suggested like it was as simple as picking a colour for a drawing. You just pick the colour that matches best and normally it's nice and quick; green is for leaves unless you want to be picky and pick the shades. If only it was as simple and easy as that, there would be less heart break and more to this world; more for people who deserves every ounces of good there is.

"Exactly, how do I know they're the one?" Lydia rolled her eyes before taking in another spoonful.

"It's simpler than you think, you know?" Stiles pointed out as he stood still. "It's like choosing a cake or an ice cream flavour or whatever" Stiles gestured with the cone in his hand. 

Lydia walked over and sat on the bench beside Stiles, looking at the boy with questions on her face. 

"No, so, basically, when you pick stuff like that you always pick something that you like, right? You always pick something you know you will never be bored off, something you will always choose when you stray to a new shop in a new place" Stiles let himself down beside Lydia. 

"Nope, not following" Lydia tilted her head squinting her eyes.

"I'm not done" Stiles' facial expression filled with false annoyance as Lydia let out a small chunk of laughter.

"You pick the same flavours because it's what you're most comfortable with no matter what. Like people, you may be around them because they seem appealing to you, physically or mentally, but if it's not right, you have the feeling in your gut and just want that one other person back and forever wishing it was them here. Because they comfort you like..." Stiles dragged on.

"Vanilla?" Lydia brought up.

"Sure, like vanilla. Think of it like picking a flavour for something. But if you're lucky and you already found them you just have to think harder. Who comforts you when you're out of place and lost? Who do you want to run to when all you want to do is drown yourself in sorrow? Who do you look for in crowds of people? Hoping that they'll be there somewhere on the shelf?" Stiles strayed off.

"Oh" Lydia let out. The idea is so simple that Lydia looked pass it. People tend to over complicate things because of questions; what will happen if I do that? Is it socially acceptable to say or be like that? What would he or she say if I told them how I feel out loud? What if? What if? What if? When in reality if you miss someone you just call, no question asked if they felt the same because if you don't call you're stuck with this void that sucks you in because of your mind wondering what they would have said if you did call. 

"You" said Lydia. 

"You? Me?", Stiles asked in confusion, "What do you mean-"

                             ........"You, you're the flavour I look for in ice cream parlours..." Lydia's voice turned so small as she stared into the emptiness, sitting as still as a statue as she twirls her spoon in the cup."You're the face I look for in the crowd of people..."

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