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The Perspective Of J. Daniel Atlas

"Of course. Late again my friend..." I sighed and walked up the stairs to her apartment complex. We were supposed to be having a meeting today yet Lula didn't show up again. Lula usually slept in, but usually not this late. Since a year had past since she joined The Horsemen, I knew her well. She always wakes up at seven. It takes her a few hours to get up but, still, seven.

It was five pm. Still no Lula.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently for a few moments. I yelled as she didn't say anything back or open the door like she usually would. "Lula! You're late again!" No response back could be heard. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. "I hate you..." I whispered to myself, shaking my head as I turned on my phone.

I had planned on simply calling Lula to either wake her up or figure out her location, but I was interrupted as the first thing I could see was a 'new message' notification. I slowly grinned. Today had so far been going a lot better for me than I thought it would. Usually day to day I'd be frustrated or annoyed but today...Today I was in a good mood. And I thought I knew who the text message was from.

Angel :
My apologizes, my phone was off. What was it that you wanted to tell me?

I could almost hear her voice as I read the message. If I knew anything at all, I knew this. I knew that girls were made out of sugar, spice, and everything nice and I knew that when Angel was made God threw in a few extra table spoons of sugar. This was why I was in such a good mood. Well, in a better mood than I usually was in at least. I had finally decided that today I would tell her that I wanted to get back with her. I had everything planned out.

I would text her and tell her to meet me at the top of the rooftop of his hotel I know. She would obviously agree because it's a fantastic hotel with a great view, and, it's me. She can't say no to me. There I'd ask her about her day and talk to her and then I'd drop the news. I'd tell her that we should've stayed together and that the whole breakup should've never happened.

She, of course, would confess that felt the same way right then and there. I'd spill out my heart and she'd do the same for me. She would fall into my arms and everything would be fine again. Everything would go back to the way it was before. I just wanted things to go back to how it was before... All I wanted was for Angel to be mine again. Not too much to ask right?

I then looked up and realized Lula still hasn't answered the door. I shrugged and turned the knob to see it was open. I raised a eyebrow and walked in. "Lula? Lula where are you?" I searched around and looked almost everywhere for her. As I could hear her chuckle, I walked towards her bedroom. The one place I hadn't checked yet was her bedroom and she was probably in there.

As I opened the door and looked in, I saw two
people laying in Lula's bed. The first person was Lula, and the second person was...


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