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The Perspective Of J. Daniel Atlas

"Danny? Are you alright?" as I looked at Lula, I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I'm fine." Lula smiled and nodded.

"Good, just wondering." I kept my thumb pressed to my temple, my index finger laying on my forehead as I watched Angel closely. Lula and her were sitting together, watching the TV. I couldn't stand the sight of it. It made me sick. I felt as if someone had stabbed me
in the stomach as I watched Lula place her hand on Angel's inner thigh. But I didn't feel sad. No, I felt angry. But there wasn't a lot I could say.

The rest of the group was also watching the TV, including Dylan who was staring at Angel also. He was most likely studying her and searching for weak spots. Usually I'd tell him to back off yet today I didn't care. Angel wasn't the person I wanted to tell to back off...I wanted Lula to back off. I wanted her to never touch Angel ever again. Yet here she was, her hand moving up and down Angel's thigh as Angel giggled and pushed her hand away. Hand games. How typical. She would do the same thing with me in the early stages of our relationship. Maybe that was what got to me the most.

The same things that Angel did with me, the same precious memories of us being together, I held onto them dearly and refused to let go. Yet now I felt Angel's versions of said memories now included my face being scribbled out. I felt replaced and I felt jealous. I'll admit it, I'm jealous. But at least I'll do anything to get myself out of that position.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna sit here instead." I smirked, getting up and sitting down in between Angel and Lula. Lula took her hand away and kept quiet, I smirked as I noticed this. I looked to Angel and smiled. "How are you--"

"Fine. I'm fine." Angel seemed to be looking at everything in the room but me, avoiding me and my glare. I raised a eyebrow and sighed.

"There's no need to be rude." she rolled her eyes, mumbling.

"Hypocrite." I frowned. Maybe Angel really did hate me...But how could she! We were so close once! Not very long ago, may I add! Again, it didn't seem fair as Angel stood and sat down on Lula's lap. Lula smiled and held her close and Angel put her arm around Lula's shoulders. I had never wanted to swat Lula's hands away more, yet I stayed still. I stared at the TV screen for a few minutes until I could hear Lula begin to mumble and Angel begin to giggle again.

"Please?" Lula chuckled again.

"In front of them? Really?"

"Pllleeeaasee..." Lula groaned. Jack laughed as he looked over at them.

"Wow, you guys are acting like newly weds already." I narrowed my eyes at him. I hated the thought of this despite it being true. Angel sat sideways on Lula's lap, Lula's arm wrapped around her waist.

"Well, what can I say?" Lula chuckled and brushed some hair behind Angel's ear. "She's mine and mine only, I want to make sure she knows that." Angel smiled a little more as Lula left a kiss behind Angel's ear. I was furious. Again, that was supposed to be me kissing her behind her cheek. That was supposed to be me with her hands wrapped around her waist, holding her close. I coughed loudly and looked down. When I looked to Lula she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, come here you." Lula suddenly grabbed onto Angel by her shirt and slammed her lips onto hers. Jack and Merritt both watched and let out 'ooo's like middle school children, even Dylan smirked. As I slowly looked over to watch I realized Lula's eyes were open and staring at me. She didn't kiss Angel just because she wanted to. She kissed Angel, because she was trying to show off. I narrowed my eyes at her again. I balled my fist.

As Angel pulled away, she chuckled and got up. "Well, it's getting late, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Angel smiled, yet Lula grabbed onto her hand.

"Oh please, stay, I insist." Angel smiled some more and started to blush. Again, I was supposed to be making her blush!

"I-I would but I have work tomorrow. I'll see you later, I promise." Lula grinned.

"Drive safe." I had to look away as Lula then kissed the back of Angel's hand. Then, as Angel walked out, I turned to Lula.

"Next time, get a room." Lula was clearly just as furious as I was as she looked at me. We both stood and began to yell.


"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" we both began to scream at each other back and forth until Jack got in the way.

"GUYS, GUYS! CALM DOWN!" I scoffed and shook my head.

"I can't believe you would do this." Lula rolled her eyes as I stormed off. I guess I might be being childish, but I didn't care. I was beyond upset.

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