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I kept my eyes closed as I continued to do my favorite card trick again. It was the third time I had completed the trick and while I was fatigued, I did it again anyways. I was standing in the middle of the mansion alone with my eyes closed yet I felt as if something was...with me. As if there was a presence near me. As if something was watching me or as if there was a presence close by. My thoughts flowed along with the cards, thinking and filtering out my thoughts. I felt focused and at peace with myself. Yet,

I paused as I could hear the door open. I smirked as the first thing I heard was Angel's voice. She chuckled, yet I then frowned as I realized the context. I realized who she was laughing with and I realized who had brought her here. It was Lula.

"A-are you sure? I don't know if I'm welcome here..." Lula chuckled as Angel spoke.

"Angel, I'm sure you'll be fine. I just have to grab a bag and get some clothes together and then we can go." I narrowed my eyes as I could hear the sound of Lula kissing Angel's cheek. I put the cards down on the coffee table and turned towards the two of them as they walked in. Lula had gotten up only three stairs before she noticed me. She sighed, stopped, and pointed her finger at me.

"I just have to grab something. Then, we're leaving. Don't bother her while I'm gone." I nodded as Lula disappeared upstairs. I looked to Angel and gave her a smile.

"Well hello--"

"You heard what she said." I tilted my head.

"Did you really think I'd pass up bothering you?" she rolled her eyes, folding her arms as she spoke again.

"I wish you would pass it up every now and then." she looked around the mansion and sighed. "I hate this place."

"Why? Because you think you're too good for it or because you're afraid of it?"

"I'm not 'too good' for The Eye. Not to mention I'm not afraid The Eye."

"I wasn't saying that you're too good for The Eye. I was saying that you're too good for the mansion. No, you belong at the big headquarters where the real bosses of The Eye are. Or at least you think you are too good for the mansion. Say why don't you join--"

"You know why I won't join." she closed her eyes and exhaled. I recognized this as one of her habits. Whenever she felt stressed or overwhelmed, she would close her eyes and wait for the nerves or stress to pass. I took a step towards her.

"I don't think I do...Could you remind me?" she opened her eyes. I saw a different look this time. I felt as if I was now looking at a completely different person.

"You know, for someone who thinks they know everything, you seem to know literally nothing about how screwed you are. Not to mention, you seem to always forget that it's you begging for me." my smirk turned straight in a matter of seconds. She knew how to hurt me well and she had definitely struck a raw nerve in me. I licked my lips nervously and blinked several times, that was one of my nervous habits. I went to say something yet Lula interrupted me.

"Okay, I think I got what I needed." Angel smiled at Lula and looked up at her as she spoke. I kept frowning as I watched them, feeling myself grow slightly jealous of Lula's positon. Lula walked down the stairs holding a brown duffle bag that I assumed had been stuffed with clothing. Lula stopped in front of Angel, then looked at me before looking to her again. "Has he been bothering you?"

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