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The Perspective Of Lula May

"Hello everybody, sorry I'm late again." I chuckled and sat down on the couch. We had all decided to meet here today, at the mansion, to make up for the meeting that was missed yesterday. Yet as I looked around I noticed something was a little different. The other group members seemed fine... but Danny seemed to be very upset.

I looked over to see he was tapping his foot on the ground, his fingers pressed against his forehead as he rested his elbow on his knee. I knew Danny well, and I could tell when he was hiding something. I scooted over to him a little more and whispered.

"Hey." I whispered. He seemed to be unamused. "Are you okay?" he tilted his head and got up off the couch.

"I need to speak with you. Alone. Now." I watched as Jack and Merritt both stared at Danny.

"Oh, so are we uninvited?" Merritt teased him as Danny rolled his eyes.

"This is none of your business. Lula. Now." he began to walk into the hallway as I stood. I sighed and began to follow him. He took me far down the hallway, until we were at several feet away from the other horsemen. He turned to
me and huffed.

"Okay, listen. What you did yesterday was not okay." I arched a eyebrow.

"Danny what are you talking about? I'm almost always late..." he rolled his eyes.

"Lula I'm not talking about you being late. I'm talking about you screwing Angel." I tilted my head and folded my arms. I thought for a few moments before responding.

"...Why do you care who I'm screwing?"

"It's not that I care who you're screwing, it's that you screwed HER."

"...So you're racist and homophobic now?" he rolled his eyes again.

"No. I don't care if you bang girls but I care if you bang her--"




"It's none of your business. Just stay away from her." he tried to walk away yet I stepped with him, blocking him from walking away.

"It's my business now..." I chuckled. I enjoyed the idea of getting back at Danny for how much of asshole he constantly was to me. He wasn't that much of an asshole anymore but I still hadn't gotten him back for the events of last year... "Tell me why. Tell me why or else."

"Or else what? I believe you've already agreed to leave her alone now let's just have this meeting--"

"I didn't agree to anything." his eyes widened a little. "Tell me why I can't bang her or else I'll bang her more." I took a small step towards him and began tease him. "She'll be on my arm everywhere I go. You will never see me without her if you don't tell me why. I'll kiss her right in front of you--"

"Stop it! Stop saying shit like that, Jesus."

"Tell. Me. Why." Danny sighed and shook his head.

"...She's my ex girlfriend." for a few moments there was silence, until I replied again.

"...You want her back."

"Yes, yes I do so if you could just please be an adult for once and drop this, that would be great. So will you just leave her alone?"


"...Why not?"

"Because." I shrugged and chuckled a little. "I like Angel. She's funny she's smart... she's pretty and I think she likes me too." he raised a eyebrow and began to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah sure. She is all those things but I highly doubt she likes you. Angel has higher standards than, well, you." I narrowed my eyes.

"Well fine then. May the best lover win." I held out my hand for him to shake. He narrowed his eyes at me. I could tell he was disgusted with my remarks yet I also knew that he had one main flaw: he could never stand down from a challenge. His ego wouldn't allow him to do so and as long as I used that against him I would win easily. I smirked.

He shook my hand, a look of repugnance in his eyes. "May the best lover win."

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