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The Perspective of J. Daniel Atlas


I was still asleep.  I didn't even hear her at first.

"Danny." my eyes opened. I shook my head quickly. Then, I fell out of my chair.

"Whoa! Wha..." she chuckled as I slowly realized where I was. I was still in Angel's room, looking after her. I had stayed up all night making sure she was safe and that she didn't throw up again. I guess I must've fallen asleep accidentally. I looked at my watch. It was three pm.

"Are you okay?" I quickly nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I quickly stood and cracked my neck. I walked towards her and looked over her. "How did you sleep?" she tried to lean up, yet I quickly put my hand down to her shoulder, making sure that she'd stay down. "You need rest. Don't lean up." Angel rolled her eyes than nodded.

"I didn't sleep. I just closed my eyes for a really long time until you did. You?"

"I slept okay." I sat down on the bed. "Do you need me to massage your back?"

"...Oh no, I think I'm fine." I stood again, cracking my knuckles and getting ready.

"You sure?"

"You are my ex..."

"Yeah yeah, scoot over princess. Let daddy take care of you."

"Stop calling yourself daddy!" she laughed as I sat down on the bed next to her legs. I tilted my head as I put a hand on her thigh.

"Alright alright, do you need anything? Food? Medicine?"

"Danny it's not like I broke a bone, I'm just a little sick. You know that right?" I nodded

"Yes well I want to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. Okay?" she nodded back, slowly leaning up.



"...May I ask you a question?"

"Of course." I chuckled nervously. "Anything." pretending that I wasn't anxious didn't help.

"...Why are you being so nice to me? Just a while ago you were still in love with me and you were sour about me being with Lula...you could barely even look at me. What changed?" I bit my lip. I grabbed onto her hand.

"Nothing did change." she tilted her head.


"Angel I am still in love with you." I confessed, leaning towards her. "All I ask for is one more kiss."



"I'm sick."

"I don't mind."

"That would be cheating on Lula."

"It's only cheating if you kiss back."

"What--" I interrupted her as I slammed my lips onto hers. I cupped her cheek, pulling her closer. As she pulled away, I couldn't tell whether or not I made a mistake.

"...I could love you better..."

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