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the perspective of J. Daniel Atlas

When I watched Angel hurryingly walking into the living room, trying to collect her stuff, I smirked. It was morning so I knew for a fact that she had spent the night.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you don't hate the mansion after all." Angel sighed and brushed some hair behind her ear. I walked closer towards her until I was next to her. It seemed she hadn't noticed as she kept looking through her purse and made sure she had everything she came with. I didn't blame her. A lot of the time when we were together I'd go into her purse and take her mascara or concealer as a joke, insisting that she didn't need it. Despite this it never stopped her from wearing makeup anyway.

"Danny, can't you just leave me alone?"


"Why not?" she went to walk away yet I stood in the way. She went to step by me, yet I stopped her from leaving again as I stepped with her.

"You know why." I frowned and folded my arms. She sighed, her eyes rolling.

"This is exactly why we broke up."

"Why? Because I'm not okay with you dating other people?" I laughed in disgust.

"No, because you're always trying to make my decisions for me. I can take care of myself and I don't need your help, thank you." I bumped shoulders with her as she walked away. I turned towards her and went to grab onto her wrist, yet I was interrupted as Lula walked in.

"We are playing nice, correct?" I would've assumed she was talking to Angel, yet as she looked to me I quickly realized that wasn't the case.

"Mmhm. Completely and entirely." Angel sighed again and went to walk past Lula also, yet Lula grabbed onto Angel's waist and stopped her. I growled quietly to myself.

"Good morning." I watched Lula whisper closely to her as she then kissed her cheek. Angel chuckled,  then proceeded to retreat to Lula's room. I smirked as Lula walked towards me. I had been practicing my comebacks since three am, I was definitely ready to make her cry.

"Having fun with your little two night stand?" I teased her, yet she didn't react. She stopped in front of me and whispered.

"Listen. I am really close to getting Angel to be my girlfriend, and while I know the idea of her actually being happy with someone else horrifies you, do me a favor?" I narrowed my eyes.

"You don't stand a chance."

"Stay." she slammed her hand down on the counter, trying to intimidate me. I didn't even flinch.. "Away from her. Don't touch her, don't even speak to her." I rolled my eyes as she then turned and walked away. I whispered to myself.

"...You can't make me."

... 15 minutes later

I walked down the bright hallway, looking down the spiral staircase every now and then. I memorized this place by heart. I memorized and studied how just a year ago we all almost instantly moved into this mansion and looked forwards to a brighter future. A better future. A future where we were actually doing things and not just waiting around. We were all close and we knew each other quite well, the group and I. Now it seemed we were more distant from each other than ever. At least it seemed that way. This fight between Lula and I turned out to be a bomb with more casualties than I originally expected.

But to me it didn't matter. I just wanted to win. I just wanted to show Angel that I wasn't that bad. Yet the question was, would Angel ever believe me?

I sighed and walked into my room. I just wanted this day to be over already. As I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, I knew one thing for sure. If I had any weakness, my weakness was Angel.

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