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third person perspective

"Ugh." Danny laughed as Angel sneezed again. "Bless me." several weeks had past since Lula hit Angel. Things were much different now. Now Angel had moved in and now Angel had her own room in the mansion. Now, despite the fact that Angel was still with Lula, Danny had the upper hand.

He had convinced the horsemen (including Lula) and Angel that he no longer had feelings for her. That he was no longer sour, that he just wanted to be friends. But of course, that statement was far from the truth. Lula, Jack, Merritt and Dylan were all out doing whatever she needed while Danny had stayed and took care of her. Angel had the flu. And despite the fact that he'd usually stay away from anyone with a cold, he didn't mind. Angel was different.

"I'm starving." she groaned. Danny chuckled and sat down next to her. Lucky for him it was nobody but them, he could touch her and treat her as if she were his lover without any suspicion. He brushed some of her hair behind her ear and leaned down towards her.

"Is there anything I can do princess?"

"You can make me food." Danny laughed again and nodded.

"I shall do so then." Danny sighed as he got up, walking towards the door. Angel leaned up slightly and raised a eyebrow.

"You didn't even ask what I wanted..." he looked at his watch.

"Oh. Right, right. It's around one pm. Usually around this time you either want eggs or grilled cheese. Which one would you like?" she tilted her head.

"How do you know this?"

"Oh c'mon. I know everything about you. Which one do you want?"

"...Grilled cheese." she groaned again before laying back down. Danny nodded.

"Will do." Danny smiled some more as he walked out of the room. After all, he really did enjoy taking care of Angel. Yet as he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, he was greeted by Henley. He forgot that she stayed home. He stopped and looked to her.

"You're still here?" Henley put down her magazine for a moment and nodded.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well I know everyone else but Angel and I went out..."

"Yeah, they're grocery shopping." she sighed and turned the page.

"Why didn't you go with?"

"Too many germs." Danny nodded.

"Agreed." he opened the fridge. He started to look around for the things he needed. Suddenly Henley put down the magazine and got up, walking towards him. She stood outside of the kitchen, yet she was still near him.

"What are you doing?"

"Making food for Angel." he grabbed the butter and some cheese before closing the fridge. Henley tilted her head.

"Oh? Isn't she sick?"

"She is. Oh right, thank you for reminding me. I need to give her medicine." he bit his lip as he looked around for some medicine. Once he found it, he set it down on the counter. Henley was puzzled by his actions. She had never seen Danny be so thoughtful before.

"Why are you making food for her?"

"Because. She's hungry. I don't blame her, it's noon. She's always hungry around this time."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do." Danny exhaled deeply as he opened the fridge and reached into it again. He grabbed some milk and chocolate syrup, setting it on the counter before closing the fridge again. Next he found a cup and set it down on the counter. She was even more puzzled as he began to pour the milk in the glass.

"Wait, you're actually making chocolate milk for her?"

"Yes." as he poured the chocolate syrup inside and then started to stir it with a spoon,

"...Danny, are you okay?" he threw the glass down in frustration.

"OF COURSE I'M NOT!" Henley gasped and covered her ears.

"Danny!" she whined. Danny looked over and quickly walked towards her.

"I have a problem."


"I'm still in love with Angel."

"I can see that, Danny."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"...Danny...You have to leave her alone."

"...But what if I can't do that?" Henley thought for a few moments. She didn't really know what to do or say.

"Danny, you can't just steal her away from Lula."

"Lula stole her away from me."

"You can't prove that."

"And she wouldn't be able to prove it if I stole Angel away from her."

"Danny I can't help you if you're not going to hear me out..." he sighed and nodded.

"I-I understand." he stuttered. He stuttered in a while. She took a step towards him and put a hand on his cheek.

"...You really do love this girl, don't you?" Danny kept his head down. Then, he shrugged.

"I didn't think I'd ever have love like this again. I love her like I once loved you..." he bit his lip as he looked up at her. Henley nodded slowly.

"Well...you drive me crazy but...if you really feel that way you need to--"

"Steal her away from Lula?"

"No. You need to talk this out and figure out a compromise." Danny blinked a few times as if he didn't understand her. Henley sighed and rolled her eyes.

"At least do it delicately, okay? Don't hurt anybody."

"I can't promise that."

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