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The Perspective of J. Daniel Atlas

I hadn't slept. I had stayed up all night thinking about Lula and Angel, and how they were probably more happy together than Angel ever was with me. This felt strange and unusual for me. I had never felt as if I wasn't good enough before. I remained in the living room, sitting at the bar and staring down at my coffee cup as Angel walked in. I saw her and raised my eyebrows, my lips parted. She spent the night?

"W-what are you doing here?" she bit her lip as she noticed me also. She just woke up, I could see it plain on her face. She shrugged.

"Lula...insisted that I stayed..." she sighed and ran her hands over her face. It was awkward for both of us. I slowly frowned. She knew how much I loved her, she knew how much I cared for her. Yet she stayed away anyways. She teased me and hid from me till my heart felt black and cold. I stood up and walked towards her, then stopped in front of her sharply.

"You need to stop this." I whispered. "Things need to go back to how they were." she shook her head.

"Things are never going to go back to the way they were Danny, I'm sorry. We can still be friends but--"

"I don't want friends. I want you to be mine again." I went to grab onto her hand yet he put her hand on my chest.

"Danny you're upsetting me." I bit my lip and kept quiet for a few moments. I then started to speak again, keeping in mind that I needed to be cautious. I sighed and nodded.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "But you have to understand that...I'm not going to--"

"...Can I ask why?" I thought for a few moments. I went to answer her, yet I was interrupted as Lula walked in. I looked to her and she rolled her eyes.

"You're playing nice, correct?"


"We don't need you to supervise us, Lula." I interrupted, taking a step forward. Lula arched a eyebrow.

"Oh?" she chuckled and walked towards Angel, wrapping her arm around her waist. "I just came to get her--"

"Stop it." I growled, swatting her hand away from Angel's waist. I took a step towards her. "Stop this." Lula narrowed her eyes at me. She took a step forwards and pushed Angel behind her.

"Stop what hmmm? You want me to stop being in love with her? Not gonna--"

"I see it's a reasonable ask, as you asked me to do the same."

"You're a horrible human being."

"At least I'm not a slut."

"Danny!" Angel whined and stepped next to us. "How could you guys have so much hatred towards each other? You guys are supposed to be a family."

"We're not a family." Lula interrupted. I balled my fist.

"We used to be." Angel rolled her eyes.

"Once a family, always a family."

"It's not that simple." I objected. Angel sighed again.

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