Chapter 1: Unaccepted By Society

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I sat there, looking straight down at my pencil on my desk. It had broken at the top, and when I had pressed my finger down on the sharp wood sticking up, it had slightly pecked my finger, and a few drops of blood had came out. I wiped my finger on my shirt, and there was nothing there. No wound, no more blood.

 I took my pencil and then cut my arm, leaving a medium sized cut. About the size of a cat scratch. Blood came up from the wound, and dripped onto my desk. This time I merely wiped the blood off with my other hand. It automatically stopped bleeding, and there once again was no wound to be found, as if it was never cut in the first place. I sighed and tossed my pencil on my desk. It shortly after rolled off of the desk and onto my carpet, and laid there along with the several other broken pencils which also had my blood on the tip of them. Things like this aren't normal, and don't just randomly occur for no reason. I know I'm not normal, and I wish I knew why.

My name is Paige, 14, soon to be 15 year old freshman of Maurin High School. Well, not for long anyways. 

Though I may seem to get along with people pretty well, and I may seem like one of the most normal people you would ever meet, my physical being has to get in the way of it. In total, I have been transfered to about eight different schools within just three school years, and my body is why. I don't really have an explanation for it, nor do I think I ever will be able to explain why I am like this. I have been to several doctors because of my skin- 

When I was just 6 years old, I was in a car crash and the other car slammed right into my side. The doctors were certain that the entire left side of my body was crushed, and that after I got surgery, I would be in the hospital for at least half a year. Right after the surgery, I was able to walk and move around all I wanted. I had almost no pain whatsoever and was moving around just as good as before, if not even better. There were no marks on my body or anything at all from surgery, and I was feeling great. It amazed them how anything like that was possible, and they had no explanation for it whatsoever, saying that they have never even heard of such a thing happening.

 Whenever I get cut, it automatically heals and disappears. Whenever I get a bruise, it's faded away less than five minutes later. Whenever I get any wound, it heals automatically, and no proof of it being there in the first place is left. As for why I have been transfered to several different schools, well, to put it short, people lately haven't taken a very well liking to me. Not just the students, but even the teachers as well. Eventually some people found out about my problem, and wanted to test it to see if it was true.

 I was beaten up by some assholes because they wanted to know the truth, and seconds later I was good as new. That's when the rumors started spreading all around. Whenever I had gone to a new school, people had already known about me through the rumors spread by the other schools. It had gotten to the point where I was even in the newspaper. My parents have tried so hard to find a right school for me where I could be in a school where people don't whisper about me whenever they see me or look at me like I'm not even human, but I haven't had any luck. That's why I am leaving my current school, and I will soon be transferred to a different one again, but I guess this time the school I am going to is specifically for people like me.

People that want to get away from bullies, people who have certain severe problems that you normally wouldn't hear about, which can be mental or physical, etc. Honestly, I feel like I am being sent away to a wacky shack or something. I know it's for the best, but it's kind of hard to accept the fact that I am really being sent away to a certain place just because I have something unusual about myself and society just won't accept me for who I am. It's not like I can do anything about it though. I should keep my head up anyway, because I'm sure the people at this school will accept me, I mean they have to right? People go there mainly for that specific reason, anyways. I'm sure it'll work out. 

A few days had passed. It was finally time. It was time to leave and go to somewhere where hopefully I would be accepted, and I could continue on my life known as a normal person. I threw on my shoes and got in the car. I was pretty nervous, but I didn't really see why. By now you'd think that since I have been transferred so many times, I would be used to it and not really have that much anxiety anymore. 

We arrived at the destination. I sent a last text message to my friend before I got out of the car. The person I sent a text to was the one and only friend I had. She may have been just someone I knew online and not in real life, but she was really nice to me and she always loved to talk to me no matter what the topic was. She was the only person that accepted me and didn't judge me- But unfortunately, that was because- well- she didn't know about my problem. I couldn't bring myself to tell her, and I was just surprised that she didn't know despite the rumors and me being in the newspaper. I was afraid that if I told her, she wouldn't accept me either-- Just like everyone else. 

After I got out of the car, I closed the door and had a quick small conversation with my parents, telling them that I was alright and that I was sure everything would be fine. As I walked away from the car, I waved at them as they drove off, giving me their goodbyes. I wasn't to worried. After all, it wasn't like I would never see them again. It was just till the end of the day. 

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