Chapter 9: Force & Control

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I exited the room, and began walking down the hall, making my way back. I honestly had wished that my conversation with Aseal would have lasted longer than it did. Talking to him made me feel better and more comfortable, despite the fact that the subject we were talking about may have not been very pleasant. So far he seemed like the only person that wasn't screwed up in that place.

After walking for a minute or two, I eventually made it back to my room. It was a golden opportunity to escape, but since Aseal had told me that he trusted me to go back to my room, I just couldn't bring myself to try and escape. Even if I did try, the place was secured with high security and guards, so I didn't have a very big chance of escaping, anyway. I opened the door to my room and went inside, shutting the door behind me. After shutting the door, I saw Scratch sitting on the bed, grinning. Wasn't very surprising. He always managed to pop up wherever I went.

"Ah, welcome back. How was your conversation with Aseal~?" I sighed.

"We just talked about the school, basically."

"Oh, I see~" I noticed that my hair was dry, so I took out the ponytail that Scratch had put my hair in a while back. I shook my head so that my hair evened out, and so that it all wasn't just in one place. When I got into my room, I did plan on plopping onto my bed and staring at the wall, but now that Scratch was there, I kinda had second thoughts. Scratch patted on a spot next to the bed as he grinned. "Don't be shy. You don't plan on standing there for the entire time, do you? Come have a seat~" 

"N-no, that's fine, I'll just-"

"Really now, how are we supposed to bond when you distance yourself so much? Come on, I insist~" Sighing, I decided to take up his offer. I went over and sat next to him on the bed, but not to close.  

Scratch suddenly pulled out a small bag. "I noticed that you haven't really eaten since we have gotten here. I don't eat much, but when I do, I usually tend to eat chocolate, since I am kind of a chocolate addict~ As of now the school is currently low on food, but luckily I still have plenty of this stuff stashed in my room. Do you like chocolate?" Scratch said as he pulled out a small chocolate ball from the bag. I smiled nervously at him.

"Ah, um, I'm not really hungry right now, so.." I declined, even though I actually was kind of hungry. Scratch chuckled a little.

"At least have one, they're good~" He said while holding the chocolate ball with his two fingers, moving it closer towards my face. I turned my head away. For some reason, I didn't trust it. For all I knew, it could have been poisoned, or it could have had something in it that would do something bad to me. I just couldn't trust it.

"Really, I'm not hungry-"

"The principle told me to make sure you eat something. Doing missions when you haven't eaten anything could lead to bad things." I shook my head.

"N-no I said, I don't want it." Scratch looked at me in the eyes, and grinned suspiciously.

"Ah, I see what's up. You think there is something bad in this, don't you? That's why you are so hesitant to eat it." I looked to the side.

"That is part of the reason, I will admit. Anyone would think the same."  I said as I looked back at him. He chuckled a little.

"Well then, friend. I will let you in on something; Yes, you are right, this does have something it it. A type of drug that was injected." I paused and stared at him nervously.

"Wait what? Really? Why? What are you planning on doing to me?! What a twisted trick, I can't believe you-"

"Ah, calm down, calm down," Scratch said while waving his hands around. "It's not really as bad as you may think it is. It's only going to put you to sleep, that's all."

"What the hell?! Why do you want me to be put to sleep?"

"You don't really need to know," He said as he tried to make me eat it again. I slapped his hand away.

"There's no way I'm taking that!" Scratch sighed.

"Aaaah, do I really have to use force? Well I guess there's no other option~"

Scratch suddenly pushed me down on the bed.


He pinned both my arms down with one of his hands, his body over mine. "H-hey get off me! Stop!" I struggled to try and release my arms from his grasp, but I couldn't. He chuckled at me while looking down at me.

"Despite you being a male, you can't seem to even slightly budge your arms free. Watching you struggle like this is quite cute~ You should struggle harder." I grit my teeth.

"Shut the hell up and let me go!" I yelled. He pressed the chocolate against my lips, but I closed my mouth shut, refusing to open it. He suddenly took his knife out, and helled it up to my neck. I froze in place. He laughed a bit.

"You know...There are things I can do other than this. Maybe if I were to cut your fingers off, the pain would be so much that you would be forced to scream, opening your mouth and giving me a chance to put this in your mouth. Since you have fast healing abilities, your fingers would probably grow back in a pretty short amount of time, so there would be nothing to worry about~"

I didn't know what to do. If they needed to put me to sleep for something, it obviously wasn't going to be good. Scratch just threatened to cut my fingers off, and I didn't really want that either. I decided to listen to him. Even if my fingers did grow back, I really didn't feel like getting my fingers chopped off.

"...Fine. I'll do it..." He grinned.

"Ah, good choice~" He put the chocolate in my mouth, and since it was small enough, I just swallowed it. "Now that that's taken care of," He said as he got up and jumped off the bed. "I will tell you that when you wake up, you may feel...A slight pain in your chest. But since you are a fast healer, it shouldn't last for very long." I sat up and looked at him, nervously.

"Wait why? What are they going to do to me-" 

"Relax, Paige~ You will find out once you wake up. It's not really that bad. Also, I lied about cutting off your fingers. I would never do that to you, of course~"

I looked down. Scratch clapped his hands together. "Ah, that also reminds me. A while after you wake up, your very first mission will start!" My eyes widened. 

"W-wait what?! My first mission?" Scratch rapped his arms around himself and and swung his body left and right. 

"Ah, yes! Exciting, isn't it? I can't wait~ It's been so long, this is going to be so thrilling, I can't wait!" He said creepily. I really wanted to know what was wrong with his head.

"Oh..O-oh no....I...I'm going to die..." I said as I put my hands on my cheeks, panicking. 

"Really now, calm down, I won't let you die," Said Scratch. "And besides, you of course will be starting off with the light missions, first, so for now you don't have that much to worry about~" He sat on the bed. "And even so, on the dangerous missions, you won't have anything to worry about either. I'll be there. If anyone tries to harm you," He said as he got up and pulled out his knife. "They'll just die." He said as he stabbed his knife into the small wooden table next to him. I smiled nervously.

"Ah..." Suddenly, I felt tired. My eyes closed a little.

"Oh, the drugs must be kicking in," He said. He slowly laid me down on the bed. My eyes closed a little more. "I'll meet with you again shortly after you wake up. For now," he said as he put his hand over my eyes. "Goodnight."

With that, my eyes eventually shut completely, and my mind dissolved into the darkness.

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