Chapter 6: Unsettling Confusion

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I was brought to my room by the guards. 

"What the hell? Y-you can't just keep me here!" I tried to push through them to get out of the room and out the door. However, my struggles were basically useless. They pushed me back into the room and I fell on the floor. With that, they left the room, slamming the door shut on their way out. 

I quickly got back up and tried to open the door, but of course, it was locked. I began banging on the door. "Hey!! You can't keep me here!! Let me out, what's wrong with you?!" After a while of continuing to yell and bang on the door, I stopped. I knew no one was coming. I fell on my knees. "No...This can't be happening. Why.." My hands began to shake. "Will..Will I go back home? Will I be able to see my parents.."

My eyes began to fill up with tears. However, I didn't let myself cry, and I let my tears slowly go back in. "No. I will find a way to get out of here, somehow. I won't let them use me. I won't stay here. Make me an assassin? There's no way I would ever kill anyone. I'll die before I do that." 

I got up and walked over to my bed, and sat down. "But...I have no idea how I'm going to get out of here. I'll have to think of something when the time is right. I..Need to hold out for a bit longer." I plopped my body on the bed. All of this just seemed to messed up to be real. So much for asking to live a normal life. I guess I would have been better off living in a society that didn't accept me, after all. I stared at the wall. Then I looked at my clothes. "They're kind of dirty. Must have been from when me and Scratch fought on the hill when we first met.." 

I sighed, and I looked back at the wall, continuing to stare at it. After a while of staring at the wall, I heard a moving sound coming from the doorknob. As I quickly moved my eyes to the doorknob, the door was cracked. I felt a slight chill run down my spine. "H-hello...?"

There was no answer. As I was about to get up, I felt a presence of something behind me. Suddenly, I felt a hand placed on each of my shoulders. I froze. 

"Hello~" I heard Scratches voice say. It wasn't surprising that it was him. He poked his head over my shoulder, and looked at me with a grin.

"Scratch?! How did you get in here..?" He chuckled. 

"I have my ways~" He got up and sat next to me, while playfully swinging his legs back and forth, while sitting on the bed. "So how do you like it here so far~?" Really? Who would ask that? I sighed.

"Great," I replied sarcastically. He laughed.

"Ah, is that so~" I rolled my eyes at his reply. For some reason I felt a bit better now that he was with me, again. And I knew that sounded completely messed up due to the fact that he was a psycho. Then again, even if he was messed up, he did accept me, after all. Unlike the other people. There was that, at least. Suddenly, Scratch fell onto me and laid on top of me, and looked down at me with his grin. My face turned completely red.

"W-whoa, w-what are you doing?!" I said, panicking and confused. He smiled.

"I'm fairly surprised you picked me, you know...You are the only other person to pick me besides my last partner. I am quite honored. I'm very happy you picked me," He said as he took out his knife and stroked it down my neck. Okay, he was being REALLY freaky, but knowing how he was, it obviously wasn't really much of a surprise. "You know, I'm already getting to like you quite a bit~" He said as he moved his head towards my face a little. I started panicking, but smiled nervously anyway.

"UUUUUUH Ooookkkaaayyyyy- Um, wellll you're a little close, soooo-" I said while politely pushing him away from me, as I slowly sat up and moved backwards, away from him. He chuckled.

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