Chapter 13: Pure Insanity

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It was black. My eyes were closed. I was in pain. I was cold. I could hear nothing but pure silence. I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, since my eyesight was still adjusting. I was laying on a floor. I was laying in blood. My blood. I was in to much pain to sit up, so I continued to lay on the floor. I looked ahead of me. I saw something. It was still blurry, but all I could see was red, everywhere, and in the middle, a black figure standing. "....?" After a few seconds, my eyesight began to adjust. As it adjusted, I began to see what was in front of me. Nothing but blood covered nearly the entire floor, along with several corpses. Blood was splattered on the walls. And in the middle, the person who was standing was none other than Scratch, holding his knife as blood dripped from it, the blood drops hitting the blood puddles on the floor. 

My eyes went wide. He was facing the other way, so he couldn't see that I was awake. His clothes were all bloody. The entire thing was like a scene from a horror movie. It was terrifying. I noticed that my shirt was off, and I had bandages covering my wounds. I could still feel the pain from the places where I was shot. I was just surprised that I wasn't dead from blood loss. But then again, I did have fast healing abilities, after all. That was probably what saved me. That and the bandages helped me a bit, also. The wounds were probably already closed, but the pain was still there. Still, it felt disgusting laying in blood, even if it was my own. I wanted to get up but I was in to much pain. 

Scratch knelt down to one of the dead bodies. 

"This is what happens when you hurt my partner. I should have made you suffer more, you fucker," He said as he stabbed the body and ran his knife through it. My body started shaking a bit as I watched him. "Next time any of your people hurts him again, I'll make you stay alive longer. I'll cut all your fingers off, one by one. Nice and slowly..." He took his knife out of the corpse and then stabbed it into one of its eyeball. The scariest part about it was that he didn't even have his usual creepy grin on his face. His expression was dead serious, and his eye was wide. It was terrifying. "Then I'll-" Suddenly, Scratch turned his head to look at me. He noticed I was watching him. He quickly took his knife out of the corpse and put it away. "Oh, Paige, you're awake already?" 

He said as he stood up and began walking over to me. Ignoring that it would be painful, I quickly sat up and started backing up. I grunted in pain. "A-Agh-!" I yelled. He ran over to me. 

"Paige! You shouldn't move so suddenly, you're still healing-" I backed up into the wall, trying to get away from him. I was to frightened by the sight before me. And how Scratch was covered in blood...It was horrifying. I looked away and closed my eyes. My body was shaking. Scratch looked at me confused, and then looked at himself and the corpses and blood that filled the room.

"Paige, I'm sorry you had to see something like this. I..Didn't expect anything like this to happen, especially on your first mission. I had no choice. We would have died if it continued. I had to kill them. It was the only option left." Hesitantly, I opened my eyes again, and looked back at him. 

"N-no I...I understand..I just...I've never experienced something..Like this...I...I'm just scared.." I could feel myself about to cry, but I held the tears back. "This...Something like this...It's just an awful thing..." I looked down. "Why...Why must we do these things...Why must we kill..." He looked at me.

"I know it seems terrible. But it's just how it is...I'm sorry you have to go through this," Scratch said.

"I...I just feel like a terrible person..." I replied, holding back my tears.

"No Paige, you're not a bad person. You haven't killed anyone. The most you have done was shoot someone in the hand, and that time was my fault, to. I'm the one that killed all these people, not you. If anything, I'm the bad person here." I looked up at him.

"No! I-I don't think you're a bad person...You just have problems...That doesn't make you a bad person!" My face turned a little red. "I don't think you're a bad person, Scratch.." He looked at me with a surprised expression and laughed a bit.

"Oh, really? That's quite surprising, but flattering~" He looked around the room. "Anyways, we should really get going. We can't afford to stay any longer. If anyone else shows up, it won't be good. We should leave now." I nodded.

"Y-yeah, I agree. We should really leave." Scratch looked over at the window.

"I don't want to risk encountering anyone else while leaving the building, so lets go through the window." I looked at him with my eyes wide.

"What?! Window? Scratch, that's crazy!" I said nervously. He laughed.

"Ah, don't freak out, it's fine. There is a building basically right across from this one. I can jump to it." He suddenly began to put his arms around me. 

"W-wait what are you doing?!" I said, panicking. 

"You clearly can't walk or even move around in that state. I'll need to carry you," He said while picking me up and standing up, while holding me. My face turned completely red.

"P-put me down! T-this feels weird...!" I said, embarrassed. It especially felt weird because I had no shirt on, and he was touching my bare shoulder. He chuckled.

"Calm down, it's not that bad, is it?" Suddenly we heard footsteps. "Oh shit, alright time to go now!" Someone walked in the room, and before they could even say anything, Scratch ran and crashed through the window, and glass shattered everywhere. I looked ahead, and saw the building he was going to jump on. I realized that he probably wouldn't make the jump.

"S-Scratch!! We're not gonna make it..!!" I yelled, panicking. He took his other arm out and held me by my waist with only one arm, and he used the other arm to grab onto the building. We almost didn't make it.

"Well that was really close," Scratch said with a sigh. "We almost died, huh~?" I looked down. We were so high up I thought I would faint.

"S-s-so high...." I said in a shaky voice. I felt like I was going to pass out. 

"It's alright, I won't drop you, Paige. But you're gonna have to hold onto me real quick because I need to use both arms to pull us up. 

"W-what if I fall-" 

"You won't. I promise I won't let you." Hesitantly, I shook my head and agreed. I very carefully and slowly made my way into his back. I held onto him as tight as I could. "Wow, Paige. I expected you to be heavier than this~" He said as he began to pull us up onto the building. After a few seconds, we finally made it onto the top. I plopped off of him and rolled to the side. We both laid there.

So, how are we supposed to get off this building?" I asked.

"Hmm....Good question," Scratch said while standing up. "I'm actually not to sure about that one. Scratch suddenly grunted out of pain and held onto his side. "Agh!"

I quickly got up. "Scratch!" I said, panicking. He stepped back. 

"We went over this, earlier. I already said I'm okay, didn't I? I just have a few injuries from previous missions...." I looked to the side. 

"Alright...." I said while sighing.

"Anyways....I guess we'll just have to wait here until they get worried and search for us. Something like this has happened to me before. In a while, they'll just send out a search party and find us. Then we'll be taken back to the school."


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