Chapter 3: Psychopathic

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The next morning, I woke up and the first thing I remembered is what the man said to me at the meeting. I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Not even the first day of me starting school- at a meeting even, things had already taken a turn for the worse. Man did that make me feel better about everything. 

Though I knew that it wasn't really something that I could just ignore, I still tried to ignore those scary words anyway, hoping that they would mean nothing. Even though that most likely wasn't the case. 

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Today was the day, and after what had happened, it certainly wasn't a day I was really looking forward to, anymore. 

I didn't really care about what I should wear, so I just put on a white sweater and thew a light green T-shirt over it, and put on my usual light tan hiking shorts. I quickly brushed my hair and then threw on my shoes, brushed my teeth, and headed downstairs. 

My parents were already waiting for me downstairs, though it wasn't really time to go to school just yet. My mother noticed me and smiled.

"Hey Paige, did you sleep well?"

"Uh, yeah, I slept fine."

"Well that's good!" She suddenly looked at me a little strangely. "Aren't you up a little early? Usually your late for school because you sleep in," she said with a curious expression. I scratched my head and shrugged. There wasn't any point in going back to sleep anyways. It would only be about thirty to forty minutes early if I left now.

"Nah, I think I should go to school at least a little early, so that I can fully prepare myself while I am there. I can get used to my surroundings for the time being that way." 

"That's a good idea! Smart thinking, Paige," My father replied.

She nodded and got the car keys. We headed outside, got in the car, and headed for the school. 

"Don't be to nervous. After all, it's a school for people like you. I am sure people they will accept you," My father said to me. I nodded.

"Yeah, I know." We arrived at the school, and I got out of the car. I usually said good morning to my online friend, but I didn't really feel like it today. My parents said bye to me as I waved and they drove off. I looked up at the school gates and clenched my fists. My anxiety was already acting up. After what that man said, I couldn't help the feeling that something bad was going to happen. Once again, I sighed and went in, trying to ignore it.

When I went inside the school gates, this time, I actually saw a few people outside. I immediately tensed up. Though, they were all sitting on the ground. Some sitting against the school walls, some sitting next to each other on the small hills, etc. However, they all looked like they were lifeless. Though they obviously were alive, not only did I get a lifeless and depressing vibe from the school itself, but the people, to.  I wasn't to sure about this school.

I didn't really know what to do, so I just walked around for a few minutes. I figured that I most likely wouldn't be able to get into school at the moment because of how early I was. I was fairly surprised to see that basically everyone else was already here, and before me. Even if I had tried to get into the school, the doors are locked anyway. It's not like I'm in a rush to go in, either. The principle and the guards kind of freak me out. 

After a few moments of just walking around, I saw someone. Someone that looked very unusual. Creepy, actually. It was a guy walking on the hill, mainly wearing black, his hair also being black, who had a very creepy smile on his face. He was very thin, and pale. He definitely stood out, especially with the long scarf he had on, that basically was just below his knees. 

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