Chapter 22: Tick. Tock. Tick.

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(HELLOOOOOOO~ Just a quick heads up, this chapter is a bit different from most chapters. Why? Oh, because well SCRATCH is going to be the narrator this chapter! So yeah, this time Scratch is telling the story from his point of view. Enjoy~)

Tick tock.

The clock went.




The only thing I could hear was the clock. Not even my own breathing could surpass the sound of the ticking.

Not just the clock, but everything. I could hear everything, but myself.

It was only natural. I wasn't even considered human anymore, after all. I was nothing more but an empty, insane, soulless being. Only created into what I was just to be used for the benefit of the greater bad.

I guess you could say I didn't really mind it, though. After all, life would be so much more boring without it being this way. I would be living a normal life. A life of peace. A life of....Humanity.

I will say though, that for years on end, everytime, constantly waiting in my room for a new person to come to the school was quite boring. Only for them to become just like everyone else there, not to long after they arrived. My only entertainment and sanity relied on using those people for amusement. Due to being trapped there.

My very first and only partner besides Paige was Holen. It was quite an interesting story, actually. Holen was my best and only friend before I was taken to this school. After I 'went missing' he came looking for me. When he had heard about the school...he came here. He said that even if the school was "For Special People" he wanted to be there so he could be with me.

But little did he know what the schools real intentions were.

He was the first student to go to the school. And was also the first person to experience what the school was really like. He was soon basically kidnapped and kept there. His parents didn't even care about him so they didn't even bother looking anyway.

We only had each other. Not like I wanted anyone else, anyway. He had always been my only friend. We soon began having sexual relations with each other. I had always loved him, after all. Even after new students started arriving that were females I didn't seem to be attracted to in the least. No matter how big their breasts were, nor how pretty their faces were. That's when I realized I was only attracted to men. I wasn't just attracted to Holen because of the way he looked, though. I always found him as such an interesting person.

But, one day...Holen couldn't take it anymore. And so...He ended it all. By faking his death, of course~ Even if he wanted to, he couldn't just kill himself. Because I wouldn't let him.

He pretended to kill himself, and when I told the guards, they merely threw his body in a ditch just outside of the school. I had told them that I would be the one to bury him. So when they left, I helped him climb out of the hole, and after that I helped him escape. The reason he was able to leave so easily was because at the time, the school hadn't yet developed the devices that went into peoples bodies and kept track of where they were.

Before he escaped...We said our goodbyes, and then we parted. After that he lived his life in a cabin in the far woods. I would visit him from time to time, of course.

After years had passed, I have still been stuck in that place. I knew I wasn't going to escape. To be quite honest with you, there was no place for me in the outside world anymore, anyway. With loss of humanity comes with loss of ever hoping to live a normal life ever again. But it was fine with me.

But then, eventually...That day came. When Paige came to the school. Paige was like Holen to me, in a way. He was so interesting. The choices he made, the way he thought, everything. Just like Holen.

Despite my love for Paige, my love for Holen would always be with me. I understood I had to move on.

I actually wanted to take Paige to meet Holen after I gave him a haircut. Since they were so alike in a way, I thought they would get along. Besides that fact, Paige was surrounded by people who were nothing like himself, and terrible things. So to meet someone who was like him and who went through the same experiences he did would help him.

I wondered if Paige was awake. It had been about 4 hours since he went to sleep.

I decided to go to his room and check up on him.

I knocked on the door. No response. I put my ear up to the door and I heard light breathing.

As I opened the door, I looked, only to see Paige sleeping in his bed. I thought he was awake, but I guessed I was mistaken.

I went over to the bed and I knelt down next to him.

"Paige," I said as I lightly kissed him on the head. "You should wake up now, it's going to be late."

As I spoke, Paige lightly opened his eyes, and looked up at me. He then slowly sat up.

"Oh..." He said as he rubbed his eyes. "Hi Scratch...What time is it?"

"Around five thirty. if you would have slept to longer, you would have woke up and not be able to sleep during the night," I said as I stood up. "Anyways," I continued. "How about that haircut?"

"Alright," He replied. I nodded. 

"Okay, good. After I give you a haircut, I wanted to bring you somewhere to meet someone." He blinked and looked at me.

"Meet someone? Who?" I smiled.

"Oh, just someone I used to know," I said. I looked down. "Someone...Who is very special to me."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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