Chapter Ten

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(Are you kidding me!!! 300+reads!!!! Thank you so much, so sense last chapter was a cliff hanger I thought I should give you a present and update because let’s face it whenever someone puts a cliff hanger you just want to rip your hair out till the next chapter.)


(This chapter is in First person point of view)


Zayn just got done hunting for the day and was looking for Liam, Zayn needed to know if he had any new Knights he needed to train, him being the Knight trainer he needs to know these things. Zayn loved his job but he wishes he had a break like the others, Zayn can never have a day off due to the Knights having to be trained to their best.

Zayn was running in the village passing the vampires that live in the village, many may think the village must look like hell but the Kingdom takes good care of their residence not wanting to lose them to the enemy they treat them like they were Nobles. Zayn ran into the dark woods not caring if the mutts were hiding in the shadows lurking for a vampire to eat and kill. Zayn needed to talk to his pall Liam, Liam has always been a good listener even if you’re telling him the stupidest things and that’s what Zayn needed, he needed to talk to someone who wouldn’t laugh at him, he needed a person or should I say vampire like Liam.

The beautiful smell of blood filled the air and Zayn followed it thinking nothing of what or WHO it was. Soon Zayn smashed into the one and only Catherin, Zayn felt terrible when he looked at her state. She must have a broken wrist, her leg had a big chunk of wood in it and blood was oozing out like a waterfall and her head was bleeding as well, he knew Catherin was losing lots of blood too much.

Catherin fell and screamed in pain, the bark in her leg going deeper in and landing on her head didn’t help with the pain that was running through her.

“Zayn get off her we need her healed now!” Liam’s stern voice filled Zayn and Catherin’s voice, Zayn looked up at him his big red eyes meeting the chocolate brown ones Liam had.

“L-Liam what h-happened to her!?” Zayn’s voice filled with sadness and Zayn hated himself for letting his big dark walls come down for just a slight second.

Liam new Zayn felt something for Catherin if he liked it or not. Zayn couldn’t do anything to stop the love he might have for the pour human in front of them.

“New vampire, Zayn I know you think she looks like Clara and yes she does but Zayn she needs you and you need her, she’s your mate and you can’t change who faith gives you to love!”  Liam screamed at the dark haired vampire who was suddenly shocked at what the loving boy had said.

“S-She’s not my mate!” Zayn yelled to Liam, Liam knew why Zayn didn’t believe him. Zayn didn’t want a mate, he thought he found the one who would bring him all together, he thought her found his missing puzzle piece everyone did, but they were wrong.

Clara only pretended to love Zayn because she was a spy for the other vampires, Zayn was so furious he stopped loving. Zayn started hunting humans killing them and he soon brought his best friend Harry into this, telling him humans are nothing but waste of space.

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