6- The Novaks Stay The Night

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Sam called up Charlie.

"I think Dean has a massive crush on the new kid, Castiel. Would you mind coming over and- "

Sam never got to finish his sentence. 10 minutes later, Charlie came bursting through the door.

"I have been called upon by the LGBT gods and goddesses to help with a person in denial!!!!" Charlie shouted, "I know who this person is, but where are they?"

"Charlie, Dean is on his way home with Cas." Sam smiled, " the LGBT gods and goddesses? "

"Yes! They called to me." Charlie responded

"Charlie, I called you."

"Shhh! Let me have my fantasy!"

Sam held his hands up in surrender, "alright, alright." He said, "anyway, could you help me get him to admit it?"

"Hells yeah!" Charlie said, "of course!"

Good. He got Charlie to help him. But that's for another chapter.

Dean and Cas walked inside the Winchester house. It wasn't much, but Dean loved it. Not as much as his Impala, but still.

"So," Dean said, "what do ya think?"

Cas looked around in awe. He had never seen a house that was so... simple. Of course, he had lived in a big house his whole life, with all his siblings.

"It's beautiful." He said. He looked over at Dean. Maybe it was the light hitting his eyes just right, or maybe he was just that happy, but he looked a kid who was watching their favorite movie for the 100th time yet it never got old. There was always that sane sense of wonder.

Like the sense of wonder on Dean's face. "So, what do you wanna do?" Dean asked, breaking Cas out of his trance.

"Could we watch a movie?" Cas asked

"Sure. What movie you wanna watch?"

"I don't know. What do you have?"

Before Dean could answer, there was a loud scuffling and the thumping of things falling over. In a second, Sam was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Avengers!" He shouted, then he was back up the stairs as fast as he was down them.

"We are not watching the Avengers for the 100th time Sam!" Dean shouted back.

Cas looked at Dean. "You have a better idea?" He said. Dean sighed, "noooooo." Dean responded. He sighed again. "Fiiinnne" he turned back to the stairs, "Sammy! We're watching Avengers! Again." He added under his breath.

The scuffling came once again as the young Winchester bounded down the stairs.

He ran up and came back down really fast for some reason. Suddenly, his phone was in his hand and he was calling Gabe.

Gabe's phone started buzzing.

He was really annoyed at first, but lit up when he saw Sam's number. So he picked up right away.

"Heya Samantha" he said, "wha- sure of course I'll come over." He hung up and was on his way over.

He got there and saw Sammy waiting outside for him. He saw Gabe and immediately ran over to him, grabbed his hand, and pulled him inside.

The place looked amazing. There were blankets on the floor and on the couch. On top of the blankets were thousands of pillows. And around the walls, there were fairy lights.

But the place can't be all romantic. There was also Avengers posters on the walls and four cups that were personalized to look like the Avengers that matched the drinker's personality. On Sam's cup was the Hulk. Cas' cup had Thor on it. Dean's cup had Captain America on it. And Gabe's cup...Iron Man. Gabe turned to Sam."Iron Man?" He asked. Sam held his hands up, "it was Dean's idea not mine."

Once again, the author can't be bothered to write all of the before movie / during movie crap because the author hasn't technically seen the movie. So time skip to after the movie.

Sam was awakened by a sudden movement. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and looked down to find Gabriel snuggled into Sam's side.

He smiled and kissed his forehead before draping an arm around Gabe and going back to sleep.

When he woke up again, he was happy to find Gabe still there, underneath his arm.

He looked over at Dean and Cas. They were cuddled together too. Sam got up, careful not to wake up Gabe, and went to make breakfast for everyone.

He heard movement out in the living room and went to go see what it was.

It was Gabe. He had noticed that Sam had left and he had gotten up to go look for him.

When he found him, he nodded towards the living room. Sam nodded, knowing what Gabe meant.

They went back in to the living room and Sam took a picture of Destiel sleeping together.

He then looked over at Gabe and noticed how his hair and eyes glowed golden, like the sun.

He started to absentmindedly lean in towards Gabe when he turned his head and saw Sam getting closer. Sam stopped and blushed crimson.

Gabe smirked, and god did Sam love that smirk. They were so close. All Sam would have to do was lean in a little more...

But, he didn't.

He would regret that later. But right now, he had "more important" things to do.

Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed that chapter! I'm really sorry for the long chapter, I just started writing and couldn't stop. :)
So, I'm trying to find some way to put some drama into the story. If any of you guys can think of anything, message me or leave a comment. Some help would be much appreciated!

Carry on wayward sons and daughters

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