15- The Families Meet

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Dean was so nervous, he couldn't focus. He couldn't function.

Cas had asked Dean to meet his family. It had been one week since their first date and Cas wanted Dean to meet his family. Dean felt nauseous and his palms were sweaty. He just couldn't focus on anything.

"What if they don't like me?" Dean was saying. He opened his mouth to say something else when Cas stopped him with a soft kiss on the lips. "You'll be fine Dean. I promise." "But what if I'm not? What if I'm not the guy they'd want for you?" Cas looked at him sternly, "Dean Henry Winchester, you will be fine." Cas said, his eyes softened, "I promise"

Dean bit his lip. "Okay..." He was still hesitant to be his normal, sarcastic self. He couldn't focus the rest of the day and he told his worries to his wingwoman, Charlie. "Well, first off"Charlie said, "you need to eat something. Did John stop trying to get Sherlock to eat because Sherlock wasn't hungry? No. He didn't. So I'm not gonna stop trying to get you to eat." She picked up his biscuit and handed to him. He dropped it back on his plate. "I don't wanna eat anything, Charlie." He said, "I don't trust it to stay in my stomach."

Charlie sighed, "Dean. You need to eat. You're no good to anyone with nothing in your stomach. Now stop being a little bitch and eat." She handed him the biscuit again, thought better of it, picked it up, and put it in his mouth. She then pulled the rest of it out and sat there, bitch facing him until he swallowed the piece of biscuit.

"There. I ate. Happy now?" Dean asked. "No. Because one piece of biscuit is not eating smart ass." Charlie responded, " come on, you usually have your whole lunch downed by now." " I just don't wanna eat. I'm too nervous." Dean said, looking down. Charlie sighed again. "Dean, you will be fine. His parents are gonna love you. I mean, how could they not?" This didn't seem to be helping, "look. If they don't like you, it's their loss. You are an awesome person and don't let anyone's judgment make you think otherwise." "Heh. Thanks Charlie." Dean answered after moments of silence.

Gabe was nervous. He had asked Sam to meet his parents. Sam wasn't nervous. No. Sam was chill. He pretended it was no big deal for him. Which it probably wasn't.

He's probably met a lot of parents. Gabe thought, the guy is hot. He's gorgeous! Gabe sighed and ran his hands over his face. He couldn't be thinking about that when his parent's judgment was on the line.

He pulled Sam down and, with a little yelp from a surprised Sam, kissed him softly. Hey, what could he say? Kissing Sam calmed him. He wasn't using him or anything. Sam was just Gabriel's drug. He needed him to survive.

He just couldn't imagine life without his little moose. He attempted a small smile when he realized Sam was staring, worriedly at him. "Watcha looking at my Samoose? I'm fine." He was not fine. He was the opposite of fine. But you've heard all this already do the author is just gonna skip over reexplaination.

"Sam" Gabe whispered, "I'm scared Sam. What if my parents don't like you? What if they split us apart? What if they-" he was cut off by Sam's lips on his own. "Have a little faith. I mean, seriously, I find your lack of faith disturbing." Gabe couldn't help but laugh at the Star Wars reference.

Gabe figured this was as good a time as any to say what he'd been thinking for awhile, "I love you Sam Winchester." He said before pressing a soft kiss to Sam's lips. When they pulled away, "I love you, too Gabriel Novak.".

So after school, Dean took Sam over to the Novak's house, behind Cas and Gabe. Once they pulled up, Gabe and Cas walked inside and, for some reason, thought it was necessary to call a family meeting. Once, the family was gathered in the family room, Cas excused himself to go get the Winchesters.

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