13- The Makeup

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Cas hadn't called or texted in two days and now it was Dean's turn to fall into a minor depression. He was absolutely miserable. He barely slept and he refused to eat anything. He wouldn't even touch pie anymore. It reminded him too much of Cas.

He often kicked his dresser before dissolving into tears. He missed his angel. He kept going back to that day at the hospital. "I don't deserve you" those words kept replaying in Dean's head. His boyfriend had broken up with him and it was tearing him apart.

He was about to kick his dresser again when he heard a soft knocking on his door. "Dean?" came Sammy's small voice, "Dean, dinner's ready."
Ugh. Not again. "I'm not hungry." He said for the 600th time. "Dean you need to eat." He heard Sam say though the door. "Fine." Dean grumbled. He really wasn't hungry and he hadn't shaved in awhile.

He sighed and opened his door for the first time in days. "You really need to shave." Sam said, "what if Cas decides to come over?" Dean glared at his little brother, "I don't shave for Castiel Novak." was his reply. Sam grinned, "you should put that on a T-shirt." He said, smiling. Dean sighed, but he couldn't help smiling at the Sherlock reference. Damn. Sammy always knew how to make him smile.

He got downstairs to find his dad, at the dinner table with Dean's favorite: burgers. Dean, despite what he says, was starving. He went over and gave his dad a hug for who knows why. "There's extra everything on yours." his dad said with a smile. Sam had a veggie burger, and John had a classic double bacon cheeseburger. Dean was happier than he'd been in a long time.

Gabe missed Sammy. He had been released from the hospital but he still felt terrible. This time, it wasn't his head. It was his heart. Ever since that day that Cas broke up with his boyfriend, Dean, Gabe couldn't see his boyfriend, Sam. Cas was the only way Gabe got from place to place so if Cas wasn't seeing Dean, Gabe couldn't see Sam. And that broke his heart.

Gabe was turning 16 in two days, and he already had his learner's permit. When he got his license, he would go see Sam himself. Gabe sighed. Two days was too long. He went downstairs and ate dinner with his family, like always. And, like always, Cas wasn't there. Cas had locked himself in his room.

Gabe had had enough. After dinner, he went up to Cas' room and banged on the door. "Go away Gabriel." He said, "no!" Gabe shouted, "I am tired of you locking yourself in your room and wallowing in self pity! You did this to yourself! You're the only one that can fix it! I shouldn't have to be deprived of seeing my boyfriend, cus you're too deep in your own self pity, to see yours!" Gabe didn't get mad often. But when he did, you did not want to be in the middle of it. Cas finally opened his door.

By now, Gabe was breathing like a winded bull. "Fine Gabriel. We can go see the Winchesters. But don't expect me to say anything." "I don't." Gabriel assured him. They got in Cas' new car, a 67' red dodge charger, and headed for the Winchesters.

Sam got a text from Gabe saying, they were on their way over there. Sam stared, wide eyed at his phone. "Oh my god! Oh. My. God!" Sam exclaimed, extremely giddy. "What? What?" An extremely curious Dean was asking. "Cas and Gabe are on their way over here. Right now! "

Dean was speechless. But this is Sam's POV. Dean had his turn. Sam was the opposite of speechless. He was cheering so loud, he was obviously happy. There was a sudden knock on the door and Sam raced over, flew open the door, and barreled himself into Gabe before he had a chance to walk in the door.

But everyone went silent when Dean and Cas saw each other. Sam was scared it would be awkward and that they would never makeup. "Hello Dean" Cas greeted Dean awkwardly. Oh no. Sam thought, already off to a bad start. Sam and Gabe walked over to the couch,and caught up, Gabe sitting in Sam's lap. They basically did the same things while they were away from each other: tried to get their brothers out of their rooms, let alone out of the house.

Cas was overjoyed to see Dean. But he didn't show it. Instead, he awkwardly said hello to him. Dean gave an awkward wave of the hand and stepped closer. "Why don't we go somewhere more...private?" Dean whispered. Cas' heart began to beat at least 5,000 miles an hour. "S-sure" Cas whispered back.

They went to his room and Dean closed the door behind them. Cas couldn't leave and Dean had Cas pinned against the door. "D-dean" Cas was saying, "w-what are you d-doing?" "Why?" Dean asked, "why did you leave me? Why? I thought you loved me?" hearing this broke Cas. He did love Dean. He loved him more than anything. "I do love you. More than anything."Cas whispered, tears filling his eyes, "I left because you are far more than I deserve. But I'm sorry I left Dean. I'm so so sorry. Will you forgive me?"

When Dean didn't respond, Cas figured he knew the answer. He hung his head and willed the tears not to fall. Cas didn't know the answer. He looked up at Dean and Dean locked their lips, tears leaking out of his eyes. "Of course I forgive you, you idiot." Dean mumbled into the kiss, "how couldn't I?"

Destiel was back together. Sabriel was reunited. Everything was right. And this time, the good was here to stay.

Hey guys! So, I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter! I had so much fun writing this chapter and I am so sorry it took me this long to make things better but this isn't the end of the story! This is nowhere near the end!

Carry on wayward sons and daughters

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