Chapter 1

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*I'm new at this , so it may not be as good as a lot of other peoples , but I try my best. I got inspired after reading the fanfic "After" by imaginator1D. If you haven't read it yet, you should. it's an amazing fanfic. This chapter may be a little short but there is more to come if people start reading it or they like it. Please comment and vote. Should i continue the story? ENJOY!(:*

*April 2nd. I see a lot of people have read this chapter but not the other chapters. I know this chapter sucks but please read on, it gets way better!*

"SOPHIE!" My mother practically shrieks from downstairs . I groan to myself, rubbing my eyes as I roll out of my small, plain bed . Before I take a shower I get my clothes out for school and tidy up a bit. It's crazy to think tomorrow I won't be a senior anymore.

Today is my last day of high school and then I go to college . I've been preparing for college for so long and now it's happening so soon . The day my letter came I was nervous to open it . Just to find "You have been accepted to California State University" . I've been really stressed lately with all the preparing and stuying.

"SOPHIE!!!" She calls, this time screaming. Knocking me out of my thoughts.

"I'm up , I'm up. Just let me take a shower!" I yell back, knowing if I didn't say anything she would have kept calling for me. I set the shower on hot, but not too hot. The water feels amazing running down my body, soothing my muscles. Suddenly I dont feel so stressed anymore. I feel ready. Actually , I feel like I've been in here forever. How long have I been in here. I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me .

After a few minutes of drying off, I get into my clothes and head down stairs.

"I made you breakfast. Your favorite, eggs, bacon, and toast." she told me as I grabbed my plate from the marble counter and walk to the table. As always, she looks young and perfect, despite her being in her late 30's. Her long blonde hair is curled and she is wearing a black lace up dress with white heels. My mom's eyes are a perfect blue that shine just right in the light. I guess I got more of my fathers genes, brown hair and green eyes.

"Thank you." I smiled. It's great to see her like this. Happy. Ever since my father left she has been so successful and cheery.

Just as I sit down at the table my boyfriend, Ryan, walks through the door. He has brown hair and bright hazel eyes that I've loved from the start. He's already entered CSU and is just a bit older than me . I'm glad we will be at the same college for a while, it makes it easier for our relationship to work.

She beams at me as I finish my breakfast and head out the door with Ryan to school. He drops me off right in front and we exchange our "I love you's". Me and him have been dating since 10th grade and every year just keeps getting better. We are a lot alike if you ask me.

I'm a little early so I decide to go to the Library and read until school starts. I love reading. It's one of my best subjects. I have tons of books at home that I've probably read about 10 times at least . This book I'm reading now is amazing . I love the dialogue and plot . I'll have to ask if there is anymore books like this .

"Excuse me ma'am, I --" 'RRIINGG'Just as I'm about to ask the librarian where I could find some more books like this, the first bell rings. Time to start school, let's get this over with.

*Follow me on Twitter: LoveDjMalik112*

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