Chapter 7.

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We have a few hours until the party and I still don't know what to wear. I don't want to wear something too slutty, but I want to wear something that surprises everyone and makes them wonder why they even bothered messing with me.

"Ugh what should I wear?" I whine for April's advice. "This?" I come out of the bathroom wearing a red dress that goes to the middle of my thighs with a square neckline and white heels.

"Damn girl. Perfect. Something that shows off your curves for once." She jokes and I can't help to smile. She is wearing a short blue dress that ends just right under her butt. It has slices on one side with one sleeve, and she's wearing black heels. She looks stunning.

"Buuuuuut, can I please do your makeup?" She asks, batting her eyelashes as if she were a little girl begging her mom for something.

"I don't know.. I don't like to wear a lot of makeup .." I tell her, hoping she says okay and drops it.

"You don't like to go to parties alot either and look what you're doing." She smirks. She has a point "One night?" she concludes.

"Fine, okay. Hurry." I give in.

"Well you're an eager little one aren't you." She giggles gives me a playful wink.

I giggle along, hoping this goes by fast and it looks good.

A couple of minutes later she's finished. Finally.

"I hope this looks g-" I look in the mirror and stop dead in my tracks. "It looks ... Amazing. Thank you ! I guess I'm gonna have to let you do my makeup more often" I smirk.

"Does that mean you're gonna be coming to these parties more so I can ?" She raises her eyebrows

"Hmm" I raise my eyebrows back at her and shrug my shoulders in a jokingly manner.

Her phone buzzes and she grabs it out of her purse. "It's Niall." She informs me. "He wants to know if him and Harry can come in and wait while we get ready?"

"Of course" I nod my head and smile. A few seconds later they walk through the door. They must have been waiting outside the door till they knew it was clear to come in.

"PARTY TIMEEEE WOOTWOOT!" Niall says. He's such a goof . "Woah, damn. You two look hot."

I laugh and so does April, then she turns her attention to Harry.

"Hey Harry" April says . There's a look in her eyes that makes it seem like she likes him. Does she?! Awe!

"Hey April. You look beautiful" He replies and her cheeks The way they look at each other is so sweet. Why don't they date ?

"After you children are done being flirtatious, I would like to go to the party." Niall jokes with the two love birds. We all chuckle a bit and then leave the dorms.

I forgot about Ryan.. I hope he doesnt find out.. He'd be so mad. Hopefully tonight will be fun .

We make it to the car and Harry opens April's door while Niall opens mine. I decide to sit in the front with Niall so April can sit in the back with Harry. They are so sweet, unlike their dick friend Zayn. SHIT! What if Zayn's there ?! Oh god now I'm really freaking out. What if everyone teases me and I break down ?! Calm down Sophie it'll be fine I tell myself.

Niall rolls down the windows and blares some sort of rock music. I feel relaxed and free. Living on my own is awesome, and so is college.

After what fills like forever, we finally pull up to a massive two story house. There are people eall over the lawn with red cups in their hands.

"Wow, this place is huge!" I say obviously shocked.

"Yeah , haha, this is my friend Ryan's frat house. I heard he throws the sickest parties!" Niall explains.

I must be really paranoid about this whole lying to Ryan thing cause I think I just heard him say Ryan. Probably a different one. I follow April into the huge house and there's even more peole in here than on the lawn. How is that possible..

"Who's this girl? Is she your new roommate ?" I hear a male voice ask April and look up to find Zayn. Great."She's damn fine." I hear him say.

"Yeah . My new roommate.. Sophie Crawford" She replies back. He laughs hard and then looks at me. "That was a good one A" He tells her, not taking his eyes of me. "It's the truth." She informs him and his eyes widen. And here we go.

"Damn..." Is that the only thing he can say ?..

"C'mon let's go to the living room and see what everyones up to." She waves her hand in a motion to follow her and that's exactly what I do.

We finally get through the crowd of people and I see Ryan... Sitting on the couch with a girl on his lap.. What.. He didn't notice me, I backed up before he saw me. Could this be?..

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