Chapter 1

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-Areum's pov-

"Welcome students. This is the campus you all will be staying at. You have assigned rooms, but you're willing to choose your friend to share with. Yes that's right, one friend only. It has to be boy with boy, and girl with girl. We don't appreciate noise complaints at night. If you have any questions please feel free asking anybody here. Have a nice day." The CEO explained to us.

"Areum, let's be partners." My cousin Jojo said to me.

I only nodded. We found our room, and it had a bathroom in the room too. There was a little mini fridge also, and a small kitchen. The bed was centered in the room, with two lamp holders on each side. On the lamp holder, there was plug-ins for our phone chargers. There was another plug in, installed in the microwave also.

We settled in then I saw a picture. "Oh, you've been to this room before?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's my dad's room. He reserved it for me when he left." She replied.

"That's very nice." I simply said.

"Let's go check out the rest of the place." She smiled.

I nodded and we headed out. We went down the elevator into the lobby, I guess? This place was like a little hotel. We found ourselves walking past a room where the students just hang. I turned and looked in for a bit. All there were the famous kingas, Seventeen. Well, all but one member.

I shrugged as each one of them looked directly at me. I continued following Jojo, and she was looking at a glass bored.

"What is this?" I asked while standing next to her.

"It's the all time best students. Look, my father is right there. I hope I can be like him in the future." She awed.

"You can do it. I believe in you." I assured her.

"Hey, you two, wanna see something?" A couple, over a counter, asked.

"Sure." We both said and walked over to them.

"See this. This place used to be where they tamed dragons. As soon as we bought this place, we knew this would be the place we'd have the front counter. Wanna know why?" The lady asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, you see these crates and window? This is where they'd drop the food off for the dragons, and the dragons would have to stick their head through the window to get their food. If the dragon misbehaved, they'd be beaten." The man continued.

"What happened to this place?" Jojo asked.

"The biggest dragon was getting old. Too old for the people to handle anymore. So, they tried to put it away. Biggest mistake of their life. The dragon's name was, 'Padma.' Padma, wasn't like other dragons. He was intelligent. He knew what humans were thinking, feeling, saying. Once he figured that the humans were going to put him to his end, he became furious. He burned the place down, with everyone in it." The man told.

"What happened to Padma?" I asked.

"Legend has it, one man survived and gained Padma's trust. He gained his trust by speaking to it. The man was almost out of air, but still used the last of his energy to tell Padma the way out was to break through. The man unlocked Padma, and when the man passed out Padma picked him up and lead him out of there. Padma took care for the man until he was well and healthy again. One day the towns people found the dragon and the man. They threatened to kill the man or the dragon. Padma whispered to the man, that he'd turn into a small egg, and wait to be hatched again in the future. The man told the towns people and they agreed. Padma shrank to the size of a small egg and the man made it into a necklace. He made a deal with the gods to let the egg be in great condition until it was hatched his future son. In return he'd take his life when his son was born. He'd have them wait until he put the necklace around his very own, blood, son, before leaving. The gods agreed and waited." The woman finished.

"So who's the son then?" Jojo asked.

"Nobody knows. Only that boy has the heart of the dragon, Padma. I've head whispers of him coming to you. If you're the chosen one, the boy will come to you. You must go now, the CEO is coming now." The man quickly said and pushed us away.

We walked and continued talking about it for awhile. Jojo didn't seem so interested in it, but I had a small bit of interest in it. 'The boy will come you you.' That part kept repeating in my head.

'What does that even mean?' I thought to myself.

"Hey, I'm going back to the room. See you in a bit. Don't make me worry about you." She said then turned back around.

I watched her leave safely, before I continued walking. I sat at a random bench outside the campus. I continued to think more about the egg, dragon, and the boy.

In the middle of thinking, the announcer said, in the speaker, "Students, go to your dorms quickly. We're about to close the gates."

I quickly stood up and quickly turned around.

"Hi, my name's Woozi."


Hello friends. So sorry for deleting the zombie story, but I'll promise to continue writing this one out. This is the first time I'm writing about someone who's not my bias. This story was inspired by my dream I had last night. So everything that I write was in my dream, but some maybe things I made up to make the chapter fall together more smoothly. Please love this story of Woozi~ thank you.

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