Chapter 11

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Mingyu was driving 90 on a 50 mile road. We heard a siren behinds us and pulled over. The officer chose to put the ticket away when he saw Areum lying in the back. He followed us to the hospital when he didn't have to.

As we arrived to our destination, the officer left quietly. The nurses recognized our faces and lead us to the "operating" room. "Just place her on the table and they'll arrive soon." A lady instructed. "We can only allow a few to stay during the session. The others have to leave."

Seungcheol, Mingyu, Hoshi, and Dino stayed as the others left. Hoshi began pacing and nervously biting at his nails. Mingyu tried calming himself by closing his eyes and clearing his mind. Dino tried also, but was distracted by his shaking leg. Seungcheol sat right beside Areum, holding her hand protectively.

"You should have just let me gone with Woozi. It would not have been this hard." Areum spoke causing the four to look over. "It wasn't your fight Areum. I understand you're willing to risk your life for him, but you have to put yourself first." Hoshi tried calming his anger. Areum simply scoffed and turned away from the boy.

The door opened, revealing three elderly women. "Who do we have now? Of course, these boys again. Always causing trouble, I see? You know you owe us a big fine already. What's the point-" "Please help our friend. We pulled her away from Woozi, and she suddenly became ill. Please halmeoni, you're the only one I could come to." Dino plead.

"What's the problem now?" "We separated the two and she suddenly started getting bruises even when no one touched her. What do you think it could mean?" Mingyu asked.

"It's either her time to go, or.." she paused nervously looking at the other two. "It can't be. We haven't had one of those in years. Plus, the next one wasn't supposed to show until a few more years." The other replied. "Maybe the time has come already. Prepare the ingredients."

"Halmeoni, what's the problem?" Dino asked eagerly and confused.

"They've been "bound" together. Their blood was tied at birth and they were meant to find one another. Now that they have found each other, whatever happens to one, will affect the other also. Once they've been pulled apart, it'll take a lot to heal one another. It's a dangerous kind of magic, and you should only use it if you know what you're doing. Only the most powerful of witchcraft can perform this." She explained.

"So you're saying if Woozi gets hurt or punished, Areum will receive the same punishment?" Seungcheol asked worriedly. "That's why we want to remove "binding" blood. It's too dangerous and could kill both the warriors. It's been a 9-year long project."

The three pulled out spell books and medicines. The room was soon filled with bubbling potions and different smells. As they combined different colored mixtures, we could suddenly see Woozi in the UFO.

"We told you to come alone. How dare you try to bring along the girl." Professor Wang asked as he kicked the boy in the mid-section. Woozi simply laughed in pain. "I don't care what you do with me. As long as Areum's fine, I'm fine. You said you wanted a match and yet you got a head start. I like to take my battles on ground. So let's get it over with." He managed.

"You don't understand do you? Whatever happens to your body, she will receive the same beating. You've been bound together in the past, and that makes the two of you the last remaining couple. Once I remove you, she'll be nothing but an easy target. I remember your parents Woozi. They were willing to confront me together, but managed to fail. What a sad ending it was for them both. Both died in each other's arms." He laughed.

"Don't talk about my parents. They did it to protect me and that egg. It's only a matter of time before it hatches. But without me, or Areum, it'll never expose itself. So go ahead and kill me, take Areum while you're at it too." He managed to stand.

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