Chapter 8

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-Areum's pov-

"Wait what? You can't just be mad at me and then suddenly tell me I'm leaving tomorrow. It doesn't work like that." My voice began to rise.

I could feel the anger inside boil. I kept it in long enough, and now it's coming out.

"I'm done with this conversation." He turned his back on me.

"Well I'm not, so you're going to sit here and listen." I snapped.

"I don't wanna sit." He remarked.

I laughed in frustration. "You think this is a game huh? Well guess what bud! It's not a game! Just because I don't wanna join your alien-" he ran up to me and covered my mouth.

I rolled my eyes. I pushed him off and started again. "You can't just cover my mouth and think I'm going to shut up." "I wish you would." He said before I could continue.

"What'd you just say?" I asked.

"I want-no. I need you to shut the hell up. You think going around and yelling at me's going to help anything? I'm only doing this because my father asked me to. I don't wanna disobey my father cause I'm a loyal child. I don't know about you, but it's different with me. I don't know if it's these dumb emotions that make me like this, or if it's you." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"What?" I asked baffled.

"You heard me. I'm not saying it again. Go get packing, this conversation is over." With that he turned his back towards me and left.

I wiped the tear away and turned towards the guys. They were all staring back at me. No one spoke the words we all wanted to say. My heart was pounding heavily, my mind was going to explode, my eyes felt as if a wall just cracked and water was rushing through. I don't know what I was feeling at the moment. I felt like I needed to hit something, cry, scream, anything to get my mind off him.

"What was that about Areum?" The8 asked.

"It's nothing. I obviously can't tell you, cause I'd ruin everything. Sorry guys." I replied then went towards a random room.

When I closed the door I plopped myself onto the bed. I was about to shout, but another door opened. The person came in without saying anything, and I wasn't going to look up anytime soon.

"Yah, don't even lift your face up." The voice I hated so much right now called.

"Don't worry. I don't wanna look at you anyways." I mumbled.

"Couldn't you have chosen any other room?" He asked.

"Sorry, I didn't know you'd be in here. I'll just get up and go." I stood up but felt his arms wrap around me from behind.

"Who said I wanted you to go?" He asked.

My heart fastened and my mind was dizzy. I was shocked, I didn't know what to do. What should I do? My mind asked a bunch of questions.

"Is your heart racing? Is your mind spinning? Cause...never mind. I'll let you go." He released his grip and I turned to look at him.

Dark circles were visible, his features becoming sharper, his tired face that looked so miserable. Couldn't forget that pulsing necklace that hung loosely around himself. His hair still wet in places after his shower, the sweater, one size too big.

"Goodnight Woozi." The words that would end this day.

"Goodnight Areum." He softly smiled then opened the door for me.

He leaned against the door and waited for me. As I walked past him, his head dropped and I wanted so badly to pull him into my embrace again.

I stepped out from his room only to have him close the door behind me. I walked downstairs and into a room with Vernon and Jun. They were both still getting ready to sleep.

"Hey guys, do you know anyone who has a room to themselves?" I asked.

"Oh, I think Woozi's the only person who doesn't have a partner. You're welcome to sleep here and one of us will go up there." Vernon suggested.

"It's okay. You guys are almost done anyways. Night." I said then left.

I made my way upstairs again and was about to knock when it opened. Woozi was standing there with the same look I had. Before I could say anything he pulled me in his room. He closed the door and I awkwardly stood there.

"Sorry, I forgot I didn't have a partner. You're welcomed to change in the bathroom." He said casually.

I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom, and removed my contacts. I took a quick shower and changed into leggings and a oversized tee-shirt. I pulled my hair into a bun and put my glasses on. I quickly brushed my teeth and finally began putting everything back into my bag.

I walked out and he was laying down already. He had one hand behind his head and the other holding his phone that was covering his face.

"That was fast." He mumbled.

"Uhh...thanks?" I asked.

"Did you wanna sleep on the floor?" He asked without looking at me.

"I don't mind." I said half listening.

"I'm kidding kid. You'll sleep on this side, and I'll sleep on the other side." He laughed.

"What if it ends up being like the movies?" I asked.

"Then I guess we'll be cuddling tonight." He looked over and smirked.

A small smile formed but I hid it. "Be quiet kid. I'd cuddle with you if it's the last thing I do." I laughed and climbed onto my side of the bed.

"We'll see." He turned the lights off.

I hugged myself inside his warm blanket. His scent was making me dizzy again. Gosh he just makes me dizzy.

"Jung Areum, can we cuddle?" He asked.

"What why? Didn't you hear me earlier?" I asked.

"Cause it'll literally be the last thing you do."

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