Chapter 10

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-Areum's Pov-

"Please be careful Areum." He whispered.

"I'll be careful. Promise me you won't leave my side until it's over?" I asked holding out my pinkie.

He locked his with mine and a small smile formed across his face. I smiled back at this cute kid in front of me.

"Even at times like this you can still make me smile. Kaja, are you ready?" He pulled away.

I nodded. He helped me gather my things and we headed outside.

-Dino's pov-

"Hyung, are we really going to just let Areum leave?" I asked Seungcheol.

He shook his head. "Gather the guys. I've got an idea." He said quietly.

He continued to watch the couple outside as I ran to the members to come quickly. After a couple of minutes they arrived.

"What's the problem?" Dokyeom asked.

"We're going to stop Areum from leaving. Seungcheol hyung has an idea." I explained.

"Hyung wait, you can't just force her to stay. Or not even be able to keep her from going. How are you planning on stopping her?" Wonwoo asked.

"We're going to force her. Okay, come here everyone." Hyung instructed.

Soon we all started to murmur. People threw ideas out, and others still thought we'd be dumb to even think about this. After what seemed forever, we all finally agreed. We agreed to tie a sting on her leg, and keep her back from Woozi. We loved Woozi, but this was his fight, not hers.

-Areum's pov-

The guys came to say goodbye. The UFO came and everything started flying. They waited patiently until we were ready. Soon I felt my feet leave the ground.

Woozi gripped tightly onto my hand and bravely looked up. Halfway up, I felt something tug on my shoe. I looked down and so did Woozi. The guys were pulling me back down with them. I struggled to free myself, as Woozi glared at them all. The string pulling us up began to pull also.

"What are you idiots doing!?" Woozi yelled.

I could feel my grip slipping from his. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"Areum, I can't hold you anymore! I'm going to let go! Be safe and wait for my return. I told you, this was my fight..not ours. I'm fighting for you, so stay safe and wait for me. Goodbye Areum." With that, his hands left mine.

I could feel myself falling fast, but it seemed so slow, almost too slow. I watched as Woozi shot up and his eyes left mine.

"Jihoon!!" I screamed.

The guys pulled me down safety, but I could feel my body weakening. The weight of the world suddenly made me stumble, and I couldn't find the strength to get up again.

"Areum. Areum, are you okay? Can you hear me?" A familiar voice called.

My eyes shot open and I panicked. I couldn't breathe, and the guys tried understanding but couldn't. As if someone put an air tank on me, I frantically gasped for air. I could feel pain on my mid-thigh and mid-stomach. I felt something like
someone punching me on the cheek.

"Let's get her to those crazy ladies!" I heard Seungcheol shout.

"Seungcheol, we owe them a huge fine already. We can't afford another visit." Jeonghan fought back.

"I..I'm..fine. Ge....get me to..Woozi." I coughed heavily.

"No Areum, you need critical help. Just lie down for right now." Jun came to my side.

I felt another sharp pain to the gut and coughed out blood.

"What's going on hyung? No one has touched her and she's getting all bruised." Mingyu asked worriedly.

"We can make the payment. Let's go." Seungcheol ordered.

Seungcheol picked up the small girl bridal style. Vernon was making the call and the others ran ahead, opening doors for them. Mingyu started the van and waited for Seungcheol to place the weak girl down.

"Alright, everyone buckle up." Mingyu called before stepping on the accelerator.

Hey guys!!!! Super sorry about the long wait. I had writers block + pretty busy lately. This chapter is also shorter than all the others because the next chapter will be very interesting. So..please look forward to it. Loves❤️❤️ -diamond

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