Chapter 5

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-Woozi's pov-

"Is it supposed to be this easy?" Mingyu whispered.

I pushed him off and went up to her. I looked at her, she was still the same as I remembered. Black hair, always up in a ponytail, brow eyes, with a hint of blue every once in awhile, her small hand that held mine once, and even the little dent where she hit the wall. I softly smiled but then realized she didn't remember me.

"I'm Lee Jihoon. Do you remember anything?" I suddenly asked.

" I know you guys? She questioned.

'Oh shot. This is going to be harder than I thought.' I said to myself.

"Do you guys know where I am?" She asked.

"Yeah, you're-" Hoshi stopped in mid sentence. "Yeah guys, where are we?"

We all looked around to see a regular house. It wasn't my house though. I looked up at the house to see a black shadow. I squinted and saw it was looking right back at me.

"Do you see that too?" A female voice asked almost directly in my ear.

I turned I shock to see Areum's face right next to mine. I admire her close features then smiled a but.

"Well do you?" She asked again.

"Yeah I do." I smiled to myself.

"Does anyone else see it?" She said out loud.

"See what?" They answered.

I looked up at it and it gave me three fingers. 'Oh shit.' She looked back and it then disappeared. We all gathered inside this house that belonged to no one. It had a red roof, and painted white. The yard was big with a big driveway also. The grass slightly old and the trees standing high. In front of the house was a chicken coop, but hardly any chickens out. Next to this house was a high school. Dead as ever. The sun high up in the sky and no clouds. Inside the house was bigger than I thought. Two bathrooms, four bedrooms, a laundry room, and three stories high.

I decided to sit outside on their driveway. There was a basketball hoop and two, three garages; two connected together.

-Areum's pov-

I walked outside to see the empty school parking lot. Without another thought, I went full on sprinting to it. As I got on the other side of the fence, a guys named Dokyeom shouted for me. "Yah! What are you doing!?"

I ignored him and continued running. Looking behind me, I saw him running towards me. I sped up and never found myself tired. It was like everything around me was moving and I was staying in place. Suddenly cars started appearing. He was on the other side of the cars. He and I made eye contact before he started running again. I ran down the parking lot and back into the driveway of the house. He returned after.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you run in a rectangle form?" He asked.

"Didn't you see the cars?" I asked.

"What cars? Are you losing it?" He answered. "I think you need some rest. Let's go inside."

"No! I can't go in there!" I shouted.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just can't." I glanced at the house.

He only shrugged then went back inside the house. I sighed while taking a seat on the grass.

"Why does it feel like my memories were blocked, or even erased?" I asked out loud.

"Jung Areum." A voice called.

I looked around. The black figure stood before me. I quickly stood up. I searched around to see if anyone saw this.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You have three days to remember. If not, then your 'friend' will give up a prized possession." He spoke.

"Who's my friend? Only 13 boys are here, and I don't even know any of them. Only a few who's introduced themselves to me." I snapped back.

"Guess that really means you'll be giving him up." He laughed under his breath.

"Him? It's a guy? It's one of these guys?" I questioned.

"I would give you a hint, but it wouldn't help much." He said then was gone.

"Hell. I'll figure it out on my own. Even if he doesn't remember either, I'll still help him. I don't remember anything, but this seems important. He seems important..." I said out loud.

-No one's pov-

Areum spent the rest of the day wondering how to enter the house. It had a dark era around it. As if it was warning her not to step inside. If she did step inside, then everything would go downwards. It was hinting her clues. She decided to sleep in the garage.

The only place that felt safe was the garage. It was different from everything else. It looked as if it was barely built a few years back.

However, for Woozi, he couldn't figure out anyway to hint Areum. He couldn't even find himself to speak to her.

As both of them were struggling, one, or many, were watching from above. Studying their every move. Spies you could call them, but they were far from spies. Something you don't usually see watching over you.


And sorry I have updated in years. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just kinda threw things together, but still tried to make it sound like it all fit together. Hope you enjoyed~~~

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