🎄Christmas Special🎄

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-Areum's pov-

"Merry Christmas my baby girl." Woozi said over the phone.

Tears developed in my eyes but I tired covering them. "Aww, don't cry silly. This is only one Christmas we won't be spending together. I'll be home soon." I heard her chuckle.

"This is our first Christmas babe. You're not even going to take work off because Padma is hatching an egg." I snapped.

"Hey that's important to me." His voice serious now.

"And I'm not?" I asked.

He sighed. Oh gosh, why am I so rude to him?

"Ji-" "I gotta go babe. Sorry again." Then he was gone. I put the phone down and slapped myself. Why was I always so dumb? He's so busy and stressed all the time, and I only make it worse.

I stood up and looked around. My rooms a mess. I guess since it's Christmas Eve I'll clean up a bit. I went to the tv and connected my phone. I played Christmas songs to get Woozi out of my mind.

I began picking clothes off the floor and making my bed. By the time I was done it was almost 3. I laid on my freshly made bed and my mind wandered off to if I should get Woozi another present for being a brat.

"Hey Areum." A familiar voice called.

My head shot up and at my door stood Seungcheol. He leaned against my door with his plain face.

"What is it Cheol?" I laid my head down again.

He walked over to my bed and made himself comfortable. "Don't be mad that Woozi's not coming. Sure it's everyone's first Christmas, but your guys' will have to wait until next year." He said calmly.

"I know. I just wished it was this year. It'd be a Christmas miracle if that could happen." I pouted while finally getting up.

"I wish he was coming down too. This is going to be my first Christmas WITHOUT him being here." He sighed.

"You guys are more in a relationship than we are." I laughed.

"Of course. We've been together longer too. Then you came in." He teased.

"Shut up kid." I pushed him.

"Alright since your all happy now, let's go downstairs. The guys are all here already. We're throwing a party in your house." He stood up.

"Wait how come I didn't know? It is my house." I followed him down.

"Cause we asked your mom." He stuck his tongue out.

I only shook my head and continued following him. There were the guys all in their little Christmas headbands. They looked so cute. I loved seeing them all together. It was always my favorite. Well, besides seeing Woozi, but it's whatever.

"Hi guys!!" I pushed past Cheol and ran to the boys.

I pulled them in a group hug and after that it turned super loud. We all took turns telling stories cause there's always something to tell with these boys.

"Alright, alright. Settle down kids. Areum, we threw this party for you cause Woozi told us to. He knew you'd be sad and disappointed, but still wanted it to be special." Hoshi held up his cup. "Though he couldn't be here, I hope you'll still have a Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas guys." And with that we clattered our cups and continued on.

"Thanks guys. You guys make everything better somehow." I hugged them again.

"Alright, now let's exchange presents. I know it's not Christmas, but none of us will be here tomorrow to visit." Seungkwan announced.

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