Chapter 2

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-Woozi's pov-

After the CEO introduced us to the place, I left the group and made my way outside. I clutched onto my necklace my father gave me. I knew the dragon Padma was here with me. My mother told me about my father and this dragon. Right as I was born, my father wrapped the necklace around me then disappeared forever. I know what happened to him, but why did he leave me with such responsibility?

'I want it simple...' I thought to myself.

Nobody else knew about me holding this possession with me. Everybody looks for it, but never succeeds. I took a deep breath before turning around.

Every once in awhile I'd get visits from my father. He would tell me about the necklace and his past. I only agreed to come to this place because my father used to be here. To my surprise, I even got his room and my partner was Seungcheol.

"Son." I heard my father call me.

I turned around to see him standing there. "Yes?" I asked while walking closer to him. I made sure nobody was around, so I could not look crazy.

"She's here." He told me.

"Who's 'she'." I asked.

"The girl who'll you'll feel a connection too. She's going to be important to you in the future, son." He answered.

"Why is she going to be important? How do you know she's here?" I asked more questions.

"You'll find that out on your own, but the necklace will find her." He responded before disappearing.

'The necklace will find her.' What does that even mean?

Suddenly the necklace flew forward, causing me to fly with it. It pulled towards the direction of the front. I followed its directions and found myself staring at a girl. She had dark black hair and she looked tall. I walked to her direction then heard, "Students, please return to your dorms quickly. We're about to close the gates."

Without noticing, I was right behind her. She quickly stood up and turned around.

'Quick. Say something!' I panicked.

"Hi, I'm Woozi." I blurted out.

"I'm Areum. We don't have time for greetings. Come one before we get locked out." She said quickly then grabbed my hand and ran.

I followed her blankly. I was wrong, she was shorter then I was. Maybe about two inches shorter? We entered right in time and both out of breath. She released my hand then turned back to look at me.

"I know you're Woozi, but like...why were you behind me?" She asked while looking at me.

I started walking and she followed. "I don't really know how I got there. My neck-feet carried me over there." I quickly covered up.

I looked back at her and she was looking right back at me. "People say you're short, but how come you're taller than I am?" She randomly asked.

"I guess I'm not short to you huh?" I smirked.

"Shut up. And do you know anything about this place?" She pouted while crossing her arms.

"Yeah, the place used to tame dragons. My father used to go here, that's why I'm here." I said casually.

"Oh really? Was your father here when they still tamed dragons?" She asked.

"Yeah. Give me a couple of weeks, and I'll see if I can trust you enough with my secret." I looked back and winked at her.

"Yeah, whatever player." She replied.

"I'm not a player." I sternly said back.

"How do I know that?" She asked.

"Have you ever seen me talk to any other girl, but you? You should consider yourself lucky, idiot." I told her.

"I better get going Woozi. See you tomorrow morning." She laughed.

"Wait, can we meet up tomorrow? I wanna get to know you more. You seem interesting." I said.

"Sure. Where'd you wanna meet up? And what time? Maybe we could go to the library and search about this place?" She seemed excited.

I chuckled a bit before answering. "That'd be fine." I replied.

"Alright. Thanks for talking with me. Night Woozi." She bid goodbye then wen her own way.

"Night Areum." I called out to her. She turned back and smiled before accidentally running into a wall.

I burst into laughter then ran and helped her up. She brushed herself off as I continued laughing. "That was all your fault." She pouted.

"I'm sorry—hold up. Alright, sorry about that." I controlled my laughter.

She ignored me and went to her room. I chuckled a bit more before heading my own way. What a funny girl. She's unique, I like it.

"Like her son?" My fathers voice called. I nodded. "That's good. From now on, I won't be able to help or talk to you anymore. The rest is up to you and Areum. I've given you all you need, now figure your path now. If you ever need help, ask Areum first. If she doesn't know, ask Padma. Whatever you choose, is your own choice now. I no longer can help you anymore. Take care my son." My father said then was gone.

I stood there in shock. How come I didn't know he was going to leave me soon? He's helped me with all my decisions, I can't do anything without his guidance. I slowly made my way to my room, thinking about everything that just happened.

"Woozi, you alright?" Seungcheol hyung asked.

"No." I simply replied.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You know how I told you my dad visits me sometimes?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered.

"Well, he's not going to visit anymore. He says I've got to find my own path..." I sighed.

"You can do it Woozi. If there's anyone who knows you better than yourself, it's me. I know you're willing to fight through anything, even if it means using up your last energy. You'd even kill yourself for things like that. Sleep on it." He said.

"Thanks hyung. Night." I drifted off.

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