Chapter 4

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-Woozi's pov-

I woke up with my body pressed against the floor. I opened one eye but closed it as soon as the ray of sun hit my eyes. I groaned then lifted myself up. I squinted and searched around.


My eyes widen and I ran forward, only to be pulled back.


"Going somewhere Lee Jihoon?" A familiar voice asked.

I shot my head up and looked straight ahead. "What do you want?" I called.

"It's simple. I want you to give me the dragon egg. If not, then you can say goodbye to your 'friend'." The voice responded.

"Don't you dare hurt Areum. She hasn't done anything to you." I growled while getting to my feet.

"Give me the dragon egg then." The man continued.

"Let's make a different deal. I'll keep the dragon egg, and forget about Areum. I know she plays a big part in this. You know, without her, I won't be able to hatch this egg." I calmed.

"Alright. But one condition. I'm going to put you guys together still. You'll have three days to make her remember you. If not, the egg is mine." The man responded.

"Deal. But who are you?" I asked.

"You can run Lee Jihoon, but you cannot hide." He said then left me.

Once again everything went black again.

-Areum's pov-

I woke up in a room. I got up, but stumbled from the huge headache I had. I stood still for a moment, until I could come back to my senses.

"Headache?" A voice asked.

"Who are you?" I answered.

"The real question is, what happened." He chuckled.

"Where's Woozi?" I asked.

"That's for me to know and you to draw away from him." He came into the light.

"Professor Wang?" I asked.

"It's CEO to you." He growled.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked while backing away from him.

"If only those two idiots didn't spill it. I knew it was you the moment you walked towards them. See, no other students walk over to them. Only you and your friend did. She didn't have any interest in it though. Because of your curiosity it lead you here. Now your little Woozi friend, is stuck in another room. You won't believe what he'd give up. What a nice young fella he is." Professor Wang laughed.

"He wouldn't give you shit. He'd rather give me up then the egg." I spit.

"You got that right. He gave you up, so you know what that means?" He asked while taking his belt off.

"! Stay away from me!" I shouted.

"Sir, please leave her alone. This isn't what we planned." The man over the counter burst through the door.

I sighed in relief as he left. Thank god for that man...I sat there in the dark. "It's alright if he gives you up. It's better to keep the egg safe then me." I said out loud.

My vision went blurry then I was out.

-Woozi's pov-

"Ready?" The woman from the counter asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this, but the way to keep her in your mind is to think only of her. When I make you forget her, just remember where she held you. Don't think of anything but her. She might not remember you, but you'll always remember her." She whispered then someone walked in.

"Did you hear her scream Woozi?" The voice from earlier asked.

"You wouldn't dare." I glared at him.

"Oh it's already been done. I loved hearing every cry from her." He replied.

"I'll kill you sick bastard! When I return you'll be dead!" I shouted before blacking out.


"Woozi. Woozi-ah, wake up." I opened my eyes to 12 boys hovering over me.

"What-what happened?" I rubbed my head.

"We were playing and you slipped on your head pretty hard. Are you alright?" Jun asked while helping me up.

"Oh I guess I am? I replied but still uneasy.

I felt like something was wrong with this picture. Like someone was missing. I searched around and found us house?

"Let's go inside and rest. We have somewhere to be tomorrow." Seungcheol hyung announced.

"Wait where are we going?" I asked.

"To the academy, remember? You were the one who decided for us to all attend." Joshua turned back to look at me.

"Didn't we go already though? How did we get back here so fast?" I asked.

"We've been here since yesterday." Minghao answered.

"You really hit your head hard, huh hyung?" Dino asked.

"No. I clearly remember us going to the academy. That's where we met..." Areum...

"Met who?" Jeonghan asked.

"What day is it?" My mind started gaining it's memory again.

"July 16th. What's wrong with you?" They asked while gathering into my living room.

I quickly grabbed for my necklace and found it still there.

"Guys, I need your help. I have three days to find her." I told them.

"Her? Who's that? I swear we were here this whole day. Where else have you been? Maybe it was just a dre-" "It wasn't a dream. She was with me, we spent the day together. Someone took all of that away. Help me find her." I pleaded.

"Alright, alright. Who is this 'girl' we're searching for?" Wonwoo asked.

"Jang Areum. We went to the academy yesterday. I found her sitting on a bench outside of the campus. We were all there. After that day, we met up and tried learning about Padma. A man, the CEO captured us and made is lose our memory. I remember making a deal with him. Three days to make her remember me and if not, then the necklace goes to him. This necklace means the world to me, you guys have to help."

"We'll hel-" the door flew open.

All our attentions went towards the door. In came a girl. My mouth dropped.

"I'm Jang Areum."

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