Chapter 9

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-Woozi's pov-

"What do you mean it's gonna be the last thing I do?" She asked.

I wanted to hold her. I wanted to keep her warm and safe. I just wanted her.

"We're going to die." I said as calmly as I could.

"What?" She asked but not truly believing me.

"The aliens are coming cause I told them I'd fight for the egg. I know it was a dumb idea, but it's worth a shot. I'm not going to lose this egg even if it kills me." I said.

"We'll fight them together." She made me look at her.

"No, I can't risk losing you. It's my battle, not yours." I looked deeply into her eyes.

"Woozi, you can't do this alone." She tried.

"But I can. I just need you to trust me and believe in me. Don't ever think I died. Always keep in mind that, I'm coming back to you. Alive or dead, I'm coming back to tell you." I leaned my forehead against hers.

I felt a teardrop and knew it was hers. I wiped it away then brought her into my embrace. My heart was pumping but I had to keep calm. She let me pull her towards me. When I knew she was asleep, I smiled.

"I'm going to miss you Areum." I kissed her forehead then fell asleep myself.

(Next Day)

-Areum's pov-

I woke up and smiled. I held onto him harder. I didn't want him to leave. If he leaves then what would happen?

"Yah, you're going to kill me." His morning voice groaned.

I released my grip a bit and snuggled close to him. His arm that was wrapped around my waist pulled me towards him. I could feel him playing with my hair.

"Let's get up." He finally spoke.

"I don't want to. It seems like a horrible day today." I whined.

"It's okay, we'll get through it together. Come on, your sister's going to be here soon." He got up first and went to the bathroom.

I sighed then got up myself. I went to my suitcase and got out my toothbrush and toothpaste. I crawled back into his bed until he came out. I didn't want to leave, but I did. My eyes began to close, but the weight of someone else woke me up. My eyes opened and Woozi was sitting at the edge of the bed smiling.

"You can go now. I'll meet you downstairs." He said the left.

I wanted him to hug me again, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. I sighed as I got up and made my way over to the bathroom.

"Yah, what's with the sigh? I heard him call.

"Nothing," I simply replied as the door shut behind me.

As I turned the water on I heard him lean against the door. I was about to open the door cause I thought he forgot something, but instead I heard him speak.

"If you're disappointed about what's going to happen today, please don't be. I'm going to return to you because you're the only person I'm doing this for. I'm not saying this to put burden on you, but I just wanted you to know. Everything I do will be my decision. If I decide to give up then I've let you down. If I return then I fought for you. Even if we were separated, I'd search the world to find you. Every planet, galaxy, and star, just to find you. What I guess I'm trying to say is, you're my other half. My heart was destined to find you. God game me two eyes, two ears, two arms and legs, but he only gave me one heart because he wanted me to find the other one. And I've found it. Every choice I've made in the past was a clumsy choice, but when I met you everything became clear. Every choice, problem, words said, everything. Whatever happens to me will happen to you. Whatever happens to you will happen to me also. We were meant to find each other Areum." He confessed.

Before I could say anything he pushed himself off the door and left. My mind was trying to rethink about what he said. I splashed cold water on my face then finished washing it. When I opened the door the bed was already made and he was gone.

I got dressed and went downstairs to join the boys. They were all sitting with disappointed faces.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked.

"You're leaving. That's what's wrong." Dino whined.

"Areum, it's time to go home." Woozi called.

"Awe, do you really have to go Areum? S.coups whined.

"Don't worry, I won't be gone for long." I hugged them one last time before pulling away.

"Go get your things Areum. Your sister will be here soon." He said as I looked back towards him.

I nodded and went first. While finishing up I grabbed for my earphones and passport. Under my passport was a picture of me and all of Seventeen together.

"When did this happen?" I whispered to myself.

"Areum, are you ready?" Woozi came to check up on me.

I folded the picture and wiped the tear. "Yeah." I said.

He walked over and hugged me. "It's alright. We won't be apart for too long." He assured me.

"Promise me you'll come back. You'll make it out alive and return to me. Anything that happens to me will affect you too, and whatever you do will affect me also." I cried.

"I promise to come back." He said.

"Hyung! Areum's sister left! You're going to have to take her with you." Seungkwan came running in.

"What!? No!" He argued.

"Woozi, I can do it." I tried.

"No Areum, you're going to die. I don't want to lose you." He faced me.

"Woozi listen. We can do it." I leaned my forehead against his.

He took a breath then said, "Please be careful Areum."

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