Chapter 7

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-Woozi's pov-

Can this even be possible? It's only the second day and she remembers already? What even happened? Who cares, as long as I don't have to give up anything.

"How'd you find out?" I asked.

"I had a little visit, you could say." She replied.

"Alright, well we need to figure out how to escape from here." I said.

Right then something flew down. We both looked and it was a lion. The lion lost it's form and was soon a man. The man walked up to us and smiled.

"My names Kim Taehyung, and I wanted to leave you a message." He said.

"What's the message?" I asked.

"They're coming." He answered.

"Who's coming?" Areum asked.

"The aliens of course. We've been watching over you two. By tomorrow you will have to leave this place and come join us." He explained.

"Why do you want us?" I continued asking.

"Cause you're the owner of the egg. Nobody wants it more than we do. Plus, if you don't then you'll face death. Or you can fight for it." He said.

"You're all crazy. Why does everyone want the egg so badly?" Areum stated.

"Cause everyone wants to rule. The egg is a power source-" "It only opens to the one it wants to." I cut in.

"That's why we want you two to join us. The egg will open to you and after that, the aliens and I will take care of it." He smiled.

"No way. If it's in the wrong hands it'll die, and no one will have it." I told.

"Not if we've been preparing for it already." He replied.

"Just let us think about it." Areum spoke and took my hand.

He only smiled then left. I looked at her and she looked back at me.

"We can't give it to then." She said.

"What if they have a cure for him?" I asked.

"Woozi, you can't be serious." She released my hand.

"I am. Just maybe we could-" "No. Don't you see? He's lying, how can you find a cure for a dragon? How even are they going to put it in him?" She cut me off.

"Look Areum, if you're not going to agree to this then I'm leaving without you tomorrow." I said.

"Fine, you go with your aliens and I'll go home." She finished.

Neither of us spoke but you could feel the tension. She turned the other way and walked away. I did the same, but went the other way.

Gosh why can't she just agree with me? They could possibly help.

"Woozi-ah." A certain voice called.

I turned around and saw my father standing before me.

"Father? What is it?" I asked.

"This place is cursed. The aliens aren't real. They don't have any cure, but fight for it. Fight for the egg and for Areum." He said then was gone.

I turned around and ran after Areum. When I saw her she was already running like before again. This time Hoshi was following her. Instead of going all the way, he ran back to the house and came back with Joshua.

-Areum's pov-

As I reached the house, my feet started running again. I panicked. I heard someone call my name. I turned and saw Hoshi running after me. I tried telling him to stop, but my words weren't coming out.

He stopped running as I turned around. He turned the other way and ran back to the house, but Joshua was following him this time. Joshua was in a pink car and Hoshi was on a pink bike. I stopped in front of them.

"You ride with Joshua, and I'll meet you guys over there." Hoshi suggested.

"I'll ride the bike. You two ride in the car." I said and Hoshi got off for me to get on.

I began peddling and it was like when I was 7 all over again. The excitement and nervousness flooded my stomach. The cold breeze brushing past my face, but ended all too soon. Another blue bike cut in front of me causing me to slow. The person in front was a man. He was riding his bike but only had his eyes on me.

-Joshua's pov-

"Hey you better get her before that guy does." I nodded over to Areum.

"Wait, is that Jungkook?" He asked.

We stared hard and soon finally got a clear view. It was him. We quickly glanced at each other then I started the car and we drove over to them.

-Areum's pov-

The house came sooner than expected. I turned and the boy in front crashed. I stopped and watched him get up again. He turned to look at me and was about to say something, but the pink car came in view.

"Areum, get in the house." Hoshi came out before the car stopped.

"What why?" I asked.

"Just do it. I know you're scared of the house, but it's for you safety." He pushed me towards the door.

"Wait what about Josh?" I looked back.

"He's parking the car idiot. You can't leave a car on the sidewalk, it's illegal." He said while opening the door for me.

I only shrugged then cautiously entered the house. It was a nice house. The living room had plenty of space as well as the dining room. The other boys were sitting in the dining room. It looked as though they were having a meeting. I awkwardly stood there and my eyes met Woozi's.

My heart sped up. I tried looking away but couldn't. He stood up and walked towards me. I was about to say something but he stormed past me into a room.

"What's wrong with you two? Did something happen?" Mingyu came to sit next to me.

Soon Wonwoo came over to join, "Yeah what happened? During our meeting he was snappy."

"It's nothing." I simply replied.

"You're sisters coming tomorrow.  Hoped your pack. We've leaving tomorrow." Woozi finished.

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