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   (Present day)

       I supposed I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts, that I didn't hear my assistant call. I was only taken out of my dazed state by his knock on the door. "Come in," I replied hastily. Conner opened the door and peeped his head through.

      "Ms. Starr, I came to remind you of your 12 o'clock lunch with the artist from London," I sighed in a remembrance.

"Kassie Smalls?"

      "Yes ma'am that would her. Also, you have a 3 o'clock call with the A&R rep from Cynther," he added.  

      "Thank you, Conner." I got up from my desk, seeing that it was already 11:15. I knew that it would take me at least 45 minutes to get to Edison. I walked out of my office still a little confused about what I should do. It seemed like my body was moving in auto pilot. I could feel myself moving and responding to everyone around me, but it was as if I was in the body of someone else.

      Once I finally reached my car, I got in the driver seat and let out a sigh of relief. I had to get myself together before this meeting. What am I supposed to do in this situation? I have hit a point where I'm not where I used to be, but I have to go back to that place to save my job. This was one of the toughest decisions I will ever have to make. I drove down the interstate with my mind racing a mile a minute. My mind flashed back to my first big heartbreak.  


(Flashback College Years)

       I think the past three years have been quite interesting. I guess you could say that I was becoming somewhat of a local celebrity around Tampa. Because of my performances at Midnight Lights, a lot of people, including other artists, have been coming to me about writing songs for them. I have always had a love for writing, so I happily agreed. Word got around and now the most popular and recognizable artists in Tampa are asking for my help. I knew that fame came with the price of losing privacy; therefore I decided to be a ghost writer for anyone that asked. This way, I get to keep all the money that comes with fame, but I still get to live a regular life. Considering I was still rounding out my college career and making big bucks in the music industry, I don't see how it could get any better than this.

      My relationship with Reese and Jay has been growing and becoming absolutely amazing. Every time we are together, our bond grows stronger. We attend the same school and had at least one common class, so it's almost impossible to not find us together.

      The only thing that is a little off is my relationship with Chase. Every day for the past two years seemed to have been really difficult. I noticed that Chase started to become really consumed with other people's opinions of me, him, and our relationship. He even started to telling me that we can't go certain places because of the crowd that would be there. To be completely honest, he is really starting to bug me.

      Usually, I am an outspoken and vibrant person, but I like to take the back seat in my relationships. I know it sounds completely crazy, but I love to make my man feel important and I like submitting to his authority in my life. I can't help but think that Chase is taking this to completely different level. He is always trying to enforce his opinion in everything I do, say, and think. He basically wants me to be his quiet little lap dog and arm candy when we go places. Just yesterday he texted me and told me that I can't wear my shorts mid-thigh anymore because of the looks everyone on the football team gave me. Really Chase? I'm a grown woman! Yes, I respect your opinion and love to make you happy, but I don't care what everybody else says. To make matters worse, it seemed like we were spending less and less time together. Every time we make plans, he comes up with a way to cancel or reschedule or simply not do it. God, help me! This man is going to be the death of me.  

      Reese and I were leaving the grocery store and broke our conversation with something that caught my attention. "Starr, what's going on with you and Chase for real?"

      I was a little shocked by her direct change in mood. I didn't really know how to respond, so I decided, to be honest. "Reese I don't even know anymore. I mean one minute we are having a great time and loving each other and the next we can't stand to be in the same room together. I don't know what changed."

      Reese was quiet for a moment before she responded. "Something's up. I can feel it." I didn't want to admit it, but my intuition was telling me the same thing. We both got in the car in complete silence.

      Then energy in the car seemed to vibrate with unspoken thoughts. I was the first to break the silence simply because I couldn't keep anything else in my head. "I think he is getting a little too controlling and distant."  

       "Yea I noticed he is never with us like he used to be. It's like he always has something to do," Reese responded, both of us never taking our eyes off the road.

      "I know Jay and Chase are like brothers. Please be honest with me Reese, has he said anything to you?" I asked looking her in the face.

       She slowed at the light and finally turned to look at me, "Starr, you're my girl and you know I would never hold anything like that from you. To be honest, even Jay has been asking what's going on with Chase." We both turned our attention back to the road with our minds still trying to put the pieces of this puzzle together. I let out a deep breath because I didn't know how else to respond. My mother's words echoed in my head. "What's done in the dark will always come to the light. The truth won't be buried forever."


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