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(Present Day)

      After I finished making sure everything was set for the night, left the club. I still had about an hour and 45 minutes before I had to make the biggest decision of my life. I needed to go home for a little while to make up my mind. As I drove down the highway, I got a call from Reese.

"Hello gorgeous," she said as I answered.

"Hey Reese, wassup?" I responded.

     "Starr I have known you for almost 13 years now and you know I can tell something is wrong from the way your hair moves, so are you going to come clean or do I have to beat it out of you?" I let out a deep breath and told her everything that had happened that day.   

"Hey Reese, wassup?" I responded.

      "Starr I have known you for almost 13 years now and you know I can tell something is wrong from the way your hair moves, so are you going to come clean or do I have to beat it out of you?" I let out a deep breath and told her everything that had happened that day.

     "Looks like you have a tough decision to make Starr. Do you know what you are going to do yet?" Reese asked.

"I know what my heart is telling me, but my mind isn't agreeing with it as usual. " I responded.

"Maybe you should go back and re-read some of your old material." Reese added.

"You're right. I'll call you later." I said.

"Alright, you know I love you girl." Reese said

      "I love you too," I responded as I hung up. I switched to my iPod and played the first song I saw. I it brought back the biggest heartbreak of my life.  



       "I leave for Maui, Hawaii tomorrow. I need a break," I said to my mom and Reese as we were relaxing on the couch.

      It has been a pretty exciting year for me. Reese and I both graduated the University of Tampa with our MBAs and we both have secured promising jobs in our field. Reese's wedding is in two months and we have been planning like crazy. Who knew that being her second in command would be so freaking stressful? She better be lucky that I love her, because this is just too much.

      On top of the stressful wedding, Genius Life has been putting me to work non-stop. If I wasn't writing music, I was either making the music, finding talent, handling publications and advertisement, or managing artist. Basically I was doing everything there was to do in the music industry. I can't really complain because I am doing what I love to do.

      "Yea Starr, this vacation is well overdue. Thank you for everything with the wedding. I really appreciate you doll," Reese said with a smile as she plopped down on the couch beside me.  

"Anything for you love," I said cheerfully.

"How long are you going to be gone Salem?" My mom asked.

      "Two weeks, oh, can you and Reese drop me off at the airport? I don't want to leave my car there," I asked relaxing into the plush cushions.

    "Sure thing baby, what time is your flight?" My mom asked as she brought over tea and a blanket.   

"1:30 a.m," I responded.

      "Salem Nicole Starr! One in the morning and you're just now telling me? You know better than that," my mom scolded. I had a feeling she would go there, but I already had a plan.

      "Mommy I didn't make a decision about the car until today. Plus, I wanted you to take it to the spa with you tomorrow afternoon." I said with a smile.   

     My mom nearly jumped out of her skin in excitement. "Nicole you did not pay for a spa trip! Oh, you know I have been needing one of those deep tissue massage things, and I wanna try the mud wrap and the facial and oh my goodness I'm getting everything." I looked at Reese and shook my head as my mom went on. If she loved me now, just wait.

"Oh mommy, I called both you and daddy off of work next week." I said.

"For what?" she asked as sipped her tea.

"We paid for the two of you to go on a couples cruise to Jamaica," Reese squealed in excitement.

      I looked at my mom and smiled as I drank my tea. Her eyes started to water. "Oh girls, that was so sweet of you. I love y'all so much. You know your dad and I have been wanting to take a vacation for a while now. I can't wait to tell him," she said as she got up to give us kisses.

      "You're welcome Momma Ruby. We would do anything for you and Pop Stanley," Reese said with a smile.

     "Yeah mommy, I made you a promise at the beginning of the year that I was going to do something special for you and daddy. Y'all have done way too much for me, for me to not give back," I said as I gave her a big hug. "Now everything is paid for and all of the paperwork, tickets, and everything are in the blue folder on the desk in the office. " I said. With that, the three of us spent the rest of the day relaxing in my mother's living room. Let the relaxation therapy begin.  


     "Ahhhhhh! Fresh Hawaiian air," I scream out as I left the airport. The beautiful scenery of native people, tourist, and nature makes me feel at peace all already. Man I can't wait until I get to my beach house and get in that bed. I looked around the airport and noticed a man with a sign that had my name on it. I smiled already loving my star treatment, pun intended.

      I grabbed my luggage and walked up to him with a smile, "I noticed you were looking for a star." He smiled back at my joke.

"You must be her. Hauʻoli kēia hui ʻana o kāua, "He said as he bowed before me.

"And what by chance does that mean," I asked slightly blushing. 

       "It's Hawaiian and it means pleased to meet you. I'm Akamu and I will be the driver for the duration of your trip. May I take your luggage?" He asked as he extended his hand to me. I smiled and handed over my luggage as we began to walk to the car.

      "Nice to meet you Akamu, you can call me Starr." I responded. We got into the car and drove off toward my destination. I am in absolute aww at the beautiful waters, people, and landscape. This place is absolutely beautiful in every way. I loved every minute of the commute to my beach house. We finally arrive and I am absolutely speechless with the perfection of the house before me.  

 "Ms. Starr, Aloha from Hawaii to you," Akamu said as he unloaded my luggage.

     I walk into the house in amazement. There is marble flooring and two beautiful grand staircases that lead to the catwalk of the second floor. I look to my left and see a dark cherry wood dinner table with a beautiful crystal chandelier above it. I continued my tour and walked into the living area and was instantly taken aback by the blue waters outside of the all glass wall.

"I think I have found heaven on Earth Akamu." He laughed behind me.

      "I'm glad you are enjoying the view. In every room of the house, there are kiosks with every service that Maui has to offer. All you have to do is tap where you want to go with the date and time and I will be here for your transportation services." He finished. I couldn't help but squeal in excitement.

"Thank you very much Akamu." With that, he left out of the house.   

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