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       So far, Maui has been the stress reliever that I needed. I have been snorkeling, hiking, swimming, and so much more. I have been to almost every spa resort here. I think I have enough souvenirs for a small orphanage. I have bought enough cultural clothing to restock my closet. And on top of that, I have loved every moment of it.   

     "Ms. Starr, I'm here for your 7 o'clock Luau on Makena Beach," Akamu stated from the foyer.

      "I'm on my way down, thank you." I screamed from my room. I heard him close the door on his way out. I took one last look in the mirror. My orange and yellow color blocking sundress, with my Shoespie black narrow strappy sandals made my skin glow. I completed my look with light makeup and my hair in it's natural curly state. I was feeling really beautiful and relaxed, so I made my way down the stairs ready to have the time of my life.   

       I arrive at the luau and there are people everywhere. Couples are dancing to the island music and enjoying themselves. I can't help but to move my body to the rhythm of the drums as I get to my seat, loving the energy in the air. As I look around at all of the people here, I noticed a very familiar face. I wasn't sure if I was just seeing things at first, but after seeing that amazing smile, I knew exactly who it was.  

      I got up and walked over to a nearby table and said, "Sorry to interrupt but by any chance, are you Graham Douglass?" He smiled and looked over his shoulder.

"Yes ma'am I am," he responded.

      "This may seem completely random, but did you attend Macy Springs High School?" I asked.

      "I did, you look familiar. Do I know you?" You asked, his curiosity definitely peaked.

"You might. I'm Salem Starr. I was on the drama club with you."

      He looked at me for a few seconds and I could see the memories coming back to him. "Oh my goodness, hi Salem! Wow you have gotten so freaking beautiful, "He screamed as he took me into a hug. I laughed as he squeezed me. "I didn't recognize you without the ponytail, glasses, and braces. You are so beautiful. I mean you have always been beautiful, but man you are heart stopping gorgeous now." I couldn't stop blushing.  

      "Thank you Graham. How have you been? It has been what 7 almost 8 years since we saw each other?" I said taking the empty seat next to him.

      "Life has been pretty freaking good now. I finished college. I own a few businesses back home. I'm starting a new shoe line. Yeah, I would say life is going great." I nod my head in approval at his success. "So how have you been Salem?" He asked.

      "I have been really great. I graduated from the University of Tampa and got started in the music industry. Now I do everything from producing to finding new talent," I finished with a smile. "So what brings you out to Hawaii?" I asked.

      "Um, a little business and a little pleasure. What about you pretty lady?" Graham asked, flashing his charming smile.

      I looked down at his hands and noticed he didn't have a ring on his left finger. A smile grew on my smile just from the possibility of being with my old high school crush. "I need a vacation from the never ending work in Tampa," I stated. From that point on, the conversation flowed freely. I never thought in a million years that I would ever be sitting this close to the man I had a crush on for four years. We talked for the rest of the night flirting endlessly. I can't wait to see where this goes.   

      Every day of my two week vacation has continued to be an absolutely bliss. After the luau, Graham and I have spent almost every second together. After he finished his work for the day, he would come to my place or I would go to his and we would be doing everything imaginable. I am actually starting to fall in love with both Maui and Graham. Although life has been great here, I am sad to say that life and work in Tampa has to be done.

      Graham and I ride to airport in my car, arm in arm. "I'm not ready to say goodbye babe," I whine playfully as we arrive.   

      "I know love, but we both have a lot of work to do and we can't stay here forever," he says as he kisses the top of my head.

      "Are you sure?" I ask playfully. He smiles down at me as we get out of the vehicle. Akamu takes our luggage out of the trunk and sets it down for us.

      "Looks like it's the end of the road in Maui my dear," Graham says to me as I wrap my arms around his neck. He slides his hands round my waist.

      "It's never the end as long as there is technology," I say sweetly. He leans down and gives me the sweetest most mind blowing kiss I have ever received in my life. "Are you sure we can't forget all of that crap at home and stay here?" I ask playfully. He lets a laugh that melts my heart into a beautiful puddle.

"No, we can't but I promise I will call you as soon as I land okay?"

      "Okay. One more kiss and I will let you go." I say as I rise on my tippy-toes to meet his 6'4 height. We kiss and grab our belongings.

      "Mahalo Akamu. You have been absolutely spectacular," I say I as I go to hug him.

      "Very good Hawaiian Ms. Star. It has been my pleasure serving you. Hope to see you sometime in the near future" He responded with a smile.

      "Most definitely Akamu. A hui hou," I wave as Graham and I walk into the airport. "A hui hou Ms. Star," Akamu responds .

"Alright babe, I'm this way at gate 9," Graham says sadly.

      "I'm this way at gate 23." I respond. We both look in each other's eyes and share one last kiss before we depart. My two week love adventure has to come to an end, but hopefully not for long.  

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