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(Present Day)

       "I most certainly do. After the meeting, I will go check on a few places and tell them about you Kassie. I'm sure I can pull a few strings and get you on the hottest DJ's mixes in all of the night clubs here." I reassured Kassie Smalls and her manager.

      "Thank you so much for meeting with us today Ms. Starr. We can't wait to get started working together." Lilian and Kassie both extended their hands. I shook them with a smile.   

"The pleasure is all mine," I stated. We all exited the restaurant and went our separate ways.

      I got in my car and went to the first club that came to mind, Strobe Night. I pull into a parking spot and get out. As I walked up to the front entrance, memories started to flow through my mind. I pulled out my key and opened the door. Many people didn't know that Reese and I took over this club about six years ago from the old owners. I walked in and saw her and all the other employees getting ready to open for the night. As usual, I jumped right in and began helping where necessary. Before I realized it, the area had completely cleared as everyone went off to their designated areas. I walked over to the bar, sat down, and put my head in my hands. I looked around me remembering everything that had come from my first night here. One person came to my mind, Kem.  


  (Flash back) 

      My last year of college was absolutely amazing. Reese and I made a vow to each other never lose touch as we started our careers. She promised to make me her maid of honor at her wedding the night Jay proposed to her, and I couldn't be happier. I had decided to give Kem a shot at having my heart although he had moments that made me wonder. I wasn't complaining because I was getting some really good material from the drama. I was actually starting to think that this relationship had to be fake, because I was a little too good to be true.   

      The beginning of our relationship was really great. Kem and I went on dates regularly, we talked on the phone, and Reese seemed to think he was a cool guy. Kem, Reese, Jay, and I hung out together a lot. I wanted the three people closest to me to really like each other.

      The guys were outside drinking beers by the grill, while Reese and I were changing into our bikinis'. "Starr, you know I love you like a sister right?" Reese asked as she slid on her flip flops.

"Yes ma'am" I responded.

      "And you know I'm always looking out for you right?" She added. I peeped my head around the corner and looked at her.   

      "Yes I know all of this, but you're starting to worry me." I was finished getting dressed, so I walked over to her bed and sat down.

      "I know you and Kem have been together for a minute, but I have to be honest. Something isn't quite right about him. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I can feel it." She said with a sigh. I looked up at the ceiling and looked back at Reese. She knew her opinion was like gold to me, so I knew she would only be telling me in my best interest.

      "Well Monday is our 8 month anniversary and you know I had planned to cook dinner for him at his house. I can get to the bottom of it then, will that put you at ease?" I asked my best friend hoping that would be enough to settle her intuition. 

  "Do what you feel is right; you know I'm here regardless." Reese responded as we both walked out to meet the guys by the pool.   

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