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      "Salem Starr, what has gotten into you girl? You have been home for almost two months and I haven't seen without your head being in the toilet." Reese says as she holds my hair for me.

      "Oh stop being extra. I have only been sick for the past week," I saw between heaves.

      "Okay maybe I am being a little over the top, but since you have been back you have been complaining about every little thing. One minute your head hurts. The next minute you feel dizzy, then you can't keep anything in your stomach. There is something you're not telling me and you know we don't keep secrets, so spill and I don't mean vomit." Reese responds with an attitude.

      After a couple of last minute upchucks, I felt like I didn't have anything else in my stomach. "Just help me to my bed and stop being so loud. You're making my head hurt worse," I complain as we walk to my bed.  

 "Starr sweetheart, you're the one yelling." Reese states.

      I get in my bed and Reese lies on her elbows beside me. "I'm waiting. Starr I called off work and I'm here all day. Which means you can't and won't get rid of me. Don't make me regret calling off." Reese droned on and on, every word making my head pound harder.

      "Okay Reese, I will tell you whatever you want to know just shut up!" I practically scream. She smiles, clearly her goal was accomplished.

      "So as you know, Maui was absolutely amazing. When I get better, we definitely have to take a trip there. But anyway, back to the topic at hand. I was there I ran into my high school crush Graham. Honey that man was fine! So we caught up and really started to feel each other. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, we were either in each other's beds or out having the time of our lives together. For the two weeks I was down there, we fell in love with and were inseparable. When it was time to come home, we said our goodbyes and left. That's it," I finished.

      "Wait hold up. So you are telling me, you got your freak on with this hot graham cracker for two weeks and didn't tell me anything? Salem Starr I thought we were better than that!" Reese says in pretend shock.

      I look over at her and roll my eyes. "Out of the whole story, that's the only part that you remember? Unbelievable."

      "Don't act like you didn't know I was gone bring that up. But on to more pressing issues, why have you been sick?" Reese asked with concern flowing over her face.  

       I look up at my ceiling, trying to remember everything over the past two weeks. "I don't know Reese. Maybe I had some bad food."

      "Bad food doesn't mess you up for two weeks Starr," Reese says as she gets up and paces the room, "Starr did you and hunka hunka burning love use protection?" She asks.

      I start to bite my lip, feeling like a stupid teenager. "Maybe," I respond.

      "Starr, when was the last time you talked him?" Reese asked as she came to sit beside me.

      "Honestly, I haven't spoken to him since we left Maui," I say a little ashamed.

"Salem!" Reese screams.

      "What it's not like I haven't tried. Every time I try, it goes to voicemail or he doesn't respond to any of my messages. I kind of brushed him off as a vacation fling. "I say sadly.

      I feel bile starting to come up my throat and I run to the bathroom. Reese is right behind me. "Starr, we're going to the hospital right now," Reese tells me sternly. After I get myself together enough to get dress, we get in the car and go to the hospital.   


      "Salem, you need to him and tell him, now," Reese demands as we pull into my driveway. I don't even try to argue. I picked up the phone and dial Graham's number.

After a few rings, a female answered "Hello?" She said.

      "Hi, I'm sorry. I'm looking for Graham, but I think I may have the wrong number. My apologies," I said with a little uncertainty. Just as I was pulling the phone from my ear, the lady spoke up.

      "No you have the right number. I'm Graham's wife Jessica," she said politely. Part of me wondered how in the world this lady is acting so calmly over a random female calling her husband's phone, but another part of me was pissed that she even existed.

      "Oh, um he didn't tell me he was married. Um could you just tell him that Salem called please?" I ask trying to keep my emotions under control.

      "Sure, and who are you in relation to my husband?" She asks. I can tell the concern was starting to rise in her.

"Um, just an old friend," I respond.

      "Okay, I'll l let him know you called. Have a good day Salem," Jessica responds before she hung up. I look at my phone and look back at Reese, both of us still in shock. We got out of the car and walk into the house in silence.   

      A few hours later, my phone starts ringing non-stop. I saw Graham's name and answered it.

      "Well hello Graham Douglass. Nice of you to return my call," I answer with my voice full of sarcasm.

      "Salem, have you lost every bit of your mind?" He answered with anger.

      "Excuse me sir. I don't know what your issue is, but I'm going to need for you bring that down a few notches." I respond with attitude of my own.

      "How dare you call my house? My wife is here freaking out because you have been calling non-stop for weeks! You got her threatening to take my kids away from me and everything. You need to get a grip and leave me alone!" He screams. I know he is not coming at me like I'm the one with the problem.

      "I know you're not coming at me like I'm the one having an affair. You're the one that didn't tell me you had a wife or kids! How dare you accuse me of your marital problems! You're the one that needs to get a grip!" I scream back at him.

      "You need to watch your mouth Salem. Don't call my phone ever again!" He spits at me with venom filling his tone.

      "It's funny how we spend two weeks together and you telling me how much you love me and want to be with me and now you can't stand to talk to me. What? All you wanted was a good screw to get your mind of the wife and kids at home? That was a good one Graham, real mature!" I scream feeling the tears build up behind my eyes.

      "You can't be that delusional to think I could actually love somebody like you. I mean get real. In two hours, you were practically throwing yourself at me. Love you? (he lets out a laugh) I would have had better luck marrying the Queen of England, "he says.

      With each word he utters I feel my heart break. "You know Graham, you really had me fooled. I mean, I was really going for it. The funny part is, the joke is actually on you," I say with a sinister laugh.

      "What are you talking about? I know you didn't give me a disease," He responds with his voice going deathly serious. I laugh at his response.

      "I wonder how your wife Jessica would feel if she found out that Graham Douglass would be having another little Douglass in, oh I don't know, five or six months give or take a few weeks." I say feeling like I have just won the biggest fight known to man. Nobody said anything for a few minutes. "What's the matter Graham? Cat got your tongue?" I ask sarcastically.

"That's not my baby" was all that he could say.

      "Well the baby doesn't belong to anyone else so all fingers point to you sweetheart," I respond.  

      "The baby isn't mine and if it is, then I will personally pay to get rid of it," he whispers as if he doesn't want to be heard. I freeze in complete shock.

      "Not a chance in hell Graham. Screw you," I scream as I hang up the phone. I instantly drop to my knees and break down crying. Reese rushes to my side and comforts me.   

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