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(Present Day) I tell Justin everything that happened today. "Babe, I don't know what to do. It's like they want me to end everything with you just so they can get another record," I cry out to him.

      "You as well as Genius Life knows how much of an asset you have been to that label. All they are doing is making threats to try and light the fire under you. To be completely honest, you are the one with the power in the situation. If you leave, they have lost one of their biggest and best team members and they won't be able to replace you. If you stay and give them what they want, you could lose yourself and everything you have worked so hard to get. You know with my success and yours we have enough financial stability to support us for the next thirty years. You could also be just as big of an asset to another record label. And baby if you really want to go there, we have enough connects together to start our own label. Just to put it out there so there is no confusion, I am with you and have been with you for the past 12 years, and three of those 12 years I have been your husband. It's pretty freakin' obvious that I am here to love you and never to hurt. I am not going anywhere and I have your back 100% in any decision you make. At the end of the day, the call is yours, love," Justin finishes. Out of the whole day, this one conversation with my husband has made the most sense to me. I know what I have to do now.

"Thank you, baby, for helping me realize what is truly important and what really matters," I say as I lean in to give him a kiss.

"I'm always here when you need me," Justin says back.  

      I look at my watch and see that I have 45 minutes to get back to the label with my answer. I get in the car and in 30 minutes, I am there. I walk into the conference room where the executives are waiting.

      "You're back Salem. I suppose you have some great news for us," John states with a smile. I don't bother to sit down because this is going to be quick and easy.

      "After a few hours of consideration, I have decided to end my term here at Genius Life. I want to thank everyone here for your support and help with the growth of my career. Each and every person here has had an impact on who I am today. Thank you very much and I wish you all the best," I smile at everyone in the room and turned to leave. I knew after talking to my husband that I could and would do much better from this point on.

      After cleaning my office the next day, I got in my car. My phone started to ring and I saw that it was Justin calling. "Hey baby what's up?" I asked.

      "Remember this song babe?" he asked as I heard him start playing the song he sang to me at our wedding When I First Saw You from the Dream Girls soundtrack. As he sang every word, I knew in my heart and my mind that I had made the right decision and my life was about change forever. 

The End


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